Chapter 15

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Adam's POV:

We all greeted the new kid and shook his hand. He seemed like a pretty chill dude.

"Well, Marcus, I'm going to leave you guys here to hang out, also, classes start very soon, so don't take too long." Davenport said, after handing Marcus his schedule. We all watched as Davenport sprinted down the hallway and disappeared around the corner.

"So, Marcus...what's up?" I asked.

Marcus laughed, "um, nothing much. My uncle sent me here so I could master the use of my bionics."

"You'll master them in no time; Davenport has three of the best mentors around." Kate said, smiling at Bree, Chase, and I."

"Awe, thanks babe." I said, smiling and gave her a kiss.

"Oh, are you two dating?" Marcus asked.

I put my arm around Kate, pulling her tightly to my body, and smiled.

"Yeah, from what I hear you guys are the best, since you're the first of your kind, really." Marcus said.

"Marcus, what are some of your hobbies?" Bree asked.

Marcus's face seemed to light up when Bree spoke to him, and he was about to answer, but then the bell began ringing.

"Marcus, you have class with me next, so I'll show you where that is." I said.

Kate gave me a hug and a kiss and sprinted to class. Bree and Chase exchanged goodbyes before heading to theirs.

"So what do you teach?" Marcus asked, as we began walking to my class.

"I teach hand combat, I teach you how to fight with your bionics." I said.

Marcus nodded.

"So I see you already have a pretty good handle on your bionics, seeing as your shirt already says you're an expert level student." I said.

"Yes, my father has really helped me get control of my bionics, but I still glitch sometimes." Marcus said.

"Well don't worry," I said, as we walked into the training center. "Bree, Chase, and I will work with you so you can be a mentor with us."

We walked into the classroom, and everyone saw the new kid and began whispering.

"Everyone, this is Marcus Davenport, are newest student at the bionic academy. He is Mr. Davenports nephew, so no picking on him." I announced.

Everyone murmured hellos to Marcus and I motioned for him to stand with everyone.

"Alright, I'm going to pair you up with someone who I believe is at your level, and I don't care if you don't like who your with, suck it up." I announced.

Everyone groaned.

"Oh and you will get to use your bionics on one another, because I feel like I wouldn't be a good teacher if I didn't take pleasure in watching my students hurt one another." I said with a smile.

"Alright...Spin and Bob, go stand over there." I said.

Spin and Bob high fived before going to stand off in the corner.

"Christina and Joe, Maria and Steve, Matthew and Kevin, Serena and Zoe..." I droned on before finally getting to the end of my list. The last for people were, I thought, had the most powerful bionics in the class. They were my favorite because they did the most damage during sparring.

"Alright, Anthony, you'll go with Sebastian, and Marcus, you'll go with Jackie." I announced.

"Alright, now I wanna hear everyone yelling and screaming at some point so Christina and Joe, you go first!!" I called.

The younger kids were so boring to watch, I looked over to Marcus to see how he was adjusting. He and Jackie really seemed to be striking up a conversation, because they were both smiling and laughing.

About twenty minutes later, all my students had injuries and bruises.

"You all look great guys!" I said, and smiled as my class groaned.

"Alright, Marcus, Jackie, you're up!" I said, excitedly.

I was always really excited to watch Jackie fight; her abilities were super speed, super strength, geo-leaping, invisibility, and molecular manipulation. No one else had that ability, and she definitely used it to kick ass. She was 5'2, yet she intimidated most of the guys there. The only person she was ever even kind of intimidated by was Kate, because one day Jackie triggered Kate's commando app and Kate almost pounded her to a pulp.

"I'll take it easy on you, okay?" Marcus said.

Jackie simply rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Alright! Now hurt each other!" I announced.

Marcus used his laser vision, but Jackie used her geo-leaping to dodge it, and turned invisible.

Marcus's head whipped from side to side, no one knew where she was, all we could see was Marcus getting beat up by some invisible force.

Jackie began visible again and smiled as she watched Marcus groaning on the floor. She held out her hand and offered to help him up, which I saw Marcus take with a half smile.

"Alright, winner, (no surprise there,) is Jackie Reed!" I announced, as she walked by me I gave her a fist bump.

I watch her and Marcus retreat to their little corner as Anthony and Sebastian walked out onto the mat for their first round.

Hey! So what did you guys think of this part? Let me know what you think in the comments! Also, I was thinking about writing another Lab Rats fanfiction after I finish this one, any ideas on what it should be about? And again, thank you all for getting this story up to 1k reads! I had no idea that something I wrote would ever get this popular! Thanks so much, I love you all! XOXO

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