Chapter 11

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Kate's POV:

My commando app had powered down. I found myself handcuffed to pillar, Adam's eyes were green and he was hurting me.

"I think maybe I'll use my laser vision now, make things more fun." He said, with a smirk.

My eyes widened in horror.

"Adam, no, please!!!" I screamed.

Adam's eyes seemed to soften in that instant, but that didn't last very long. I thrashed against the cuffs, and eventually braced myself for the coming laser.

"Adam stop!" Someone screamed.

Suddenly Chase and Bree came running down the hallway.

"Chase, HELP!" I screamed.

Adam looked over, and growled.

"What happened to you, Chase? I thought we were on the same side." Adam asked.

"That's the app talking, Adam, now ask yourself, do you really wanna kill Kate?" Chase asked.

Adam seemed to falter. "Yes...."

"Why would you kill someone who you don't want to lose?" Chase asked.

Adam definitely faltered. He looked back at me, with the same murderous glare, I trembled, but then I watched it soften a bit. He blinked a couple times before I noticed the green went away.

"Katie?" Adam said.

"Oh shit...Oh God, Katie, I'm so sorry." Adam said, running over to uncuff me.

"Adam, it's okay, it wasn't you. You didn't know what you were doing. You have nothing to be sorry for." I said.

Adam gently gave me a hug, and I snuggled up against his warm body.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him. The height difference hilarious. I was 5'2 while Adam was 6'2. He is an entire foot taller than me. He bent down and gave me a kiss and I smiled.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

We held each other for a long time, but then Bree walked over with Chase.

"Hey Adam?" Bree asked.


"Could I talk to you over there for a second?"



Hey guys!! Sorry, I know this chapter was shorter than usual, but i'm trying to add more suspense to the story to make it longer. Anyway, I have ideas for the next couple of chapters but I need some help, i was thinking of adding new characters to stir up some drama, maybe even add Marcus to the story. Anyway, if you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments, also let me know what you think of the story!!! Thanks I love you all!

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