Chapter 8

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Bree's POV:

Chase and I were going to meet each other at my mainland at 8. I got to the restaurant at 7:50 so I figured I would text Adam until Chase arrived. I knew Chase would arrive at 8 sharp. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Adam.

"Hey ;)" I texted

Adam takes a bit longer to reply, because I know ho it takes him a little longer to form a thought than the average human. I've heart Chase say that Adam has nothing in his head, to which Adam would then reply, "my head isn't empty, its full of potential" and we would all laugh.

"Hey aren't you and Chase hanging out tonight?"

"Yeah he's meeting me here at 8."

"I see"

"So what are you doing?"

"I made plans to hang out with Kate tonight. She and I hung out at lunch today and we really hit it off."

I starred at the screen of my cell phone. Adam was hanging out with Kate? How could this be? Is this just to get back at me for spending time with Chase?

"That's nice. She seems really sweet" I replied.

"Oh yeah, she's very sweet. But she can sure put up a fight during sparring. She has a commando app just like Chase, so her spar partner knows not to push her too much."

"Are you hanging out with Kate as a way of getting back at me for hanging out with Chase?"

While I waited for Adams reply, I looked at my watch, which said 7:58. Chase would be here in two minutes. A part of me wishes there was more time because I wanted to find out what Adams deal was.

"Why? Are you jealous? I don't know why you would be, seeing as you have feelings for another guy."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me, I know you have feelings for Chase. So now you wanna spend all your time with him; which I'm fine with since now I've been hanging out with Kate more."

"I don't spend all my time with Chase! And I only like you, Adam, regardless of what anyone else says."

"I really want to believe you Bree, but I can't, anyways, Kate and I made plans for the movies tonight, so I've gotta go pick her up. I'll see you later."

I put my phone down, shocked. I saw Chase enter the restaurant and walk over to me.

"Hey Bree, how's it going?" Chase asked.

I signed, everything wasn't going alright. "Everything's pretty good, you?"

"I'm doing alright myself, considering I'm sitting here and talking to you." Chase said, nudging my arm, and grinning that devilishly charming grin.

I smiles a little bit. Chase always knew how to make me smile, how to make me feel better. So I decided to tell him.

"Chase...I lied, everything's not alright."

He put his hand on my arm, "what's wrong?"

"Adam and I got into a fight. He's mad I'm hanging out with you, so he made plans to hang out with Kate. He said he really likes her and that he didn't believe me when I told him I liked him."

"Did he say anything else?" Chase asked.

I shook my head.

"That sounds like something that should be talked out in person."

I nodded, "you're right. After our little date, I'm gonna go to his dorm and give him a piece of my mind."

"Of course I'm right, I'm the one with super intelligence, I'm always right!" Chase bragged.

I laughed and playfully hit him in the arm. I didn't understand why I always spend so much time with Chase until now. H made me happy, he comforted me on a way that no one else could, he is basically my best friend, because I can talk to him about anything. I liked Adam, sure, but I couldn't talk to him the same way I talk to Chase.

"Chase, do you like me?" I asked.

"Of course I like you, why is that even a question?" Chase answered.

"No, I mean do you like me more than as just a friend. Do you love me?" I asked.

He starred at me, and said nothing for a long moment. He was probably thinking about the stupid and embarrassing question I just asked him.

He laughed at me unexpectedly and softly placed his lips against mine. When he pulled back I starred at him with wide eyes, yearning for more.

"Does that answer your question?" Chase said, with his devilishly charming smirk.


AHHHHH OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS LAST PART!!! THEIR FIRST KISS EEEEKKK!!! Anyway, so Bree finally definitely likes Chase and vice versa. Brase is the best ever, like I love Brase with the passion of a thousand suns. Anyway, lemme know what you think in the comments!!!

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