An Author's Note

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Hello readers! 

Thank you for stopping by and reading Save the Cake! I'm so glad for all of the positive responses that I have received from you since I posted the first chapter a few days ago. 

As you can see, this is still very much a work in progress; some chapters are in the process of being edited, beta-read, and edited again, so it could take a while for me to come up with updates. And don't be surprised to see the "EDITED" tag next to a published chapter, too - that means I have received feedback from critiquers and beta readers! But don't worry, I will make sure to get the word out as soon as I have the new chapters ready to read. 

For those of you who are already on Wattpad, feel free to add my story to your libraries and public reading lists so you can keep yourself up-to-date with the latest developments in STC. If you like what you're seeing so far, go ahead and put in a few votes as well!

And if you're reading this without a Wattpad account and/or are not on my buddy lists on any social networks, don't worry - I'm working on a few ways to keep you all updated. For now, you can follow me on Twitter @TheStellaTorres, or check out my blog at 

Happy reading!



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