Chapter 20: Fight

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Astrid POV

I had tears in my eyes, I could see what I had done "NO!" I turned around an Merida had seen what happened, she had started aiming her bow at me.

"Merida, I didn't have a choice" I started to explain.

"Of course ye did and ye chose to kill Hiccup" she sounded mad, like she was going to shoot me.

She let an arrow fly and I managed to avoid it by swinging the inferno and hitting the arrow. She shot a few more arrows at me and I dodged them.

"Merida stop we both know I hate you but Hiccup wouldn't want us to kill each other" I said before I heard something behind me.

I turned to see what was behind me "But ye still tried to kill Hiccup and for tha ye shall pay with ye life" I heard Merida say

I turned back to face Merida, I had been distracted long enough for Merida to shoot an arrow which hit me.

I collapsed and the next thing I knew Hiccup was looking down at me with tears in his eyes "Astrid, no, don't leave me" he looked up "help! somebody, anybody! help!" He yelled.

"How, but I thought..." I started before he cut me off.

"Guess you owe me a new sketch pad" he said taking out his book which now had a dagger sized hole in it.

"Hiccup, I'm sorry, I didn't..." He cut me off. I didn't care that he had cut me off twice all I cared about was that he was alive.

"I know you didn't have a choice" he said, I was looking into his emerald eyes. "Just promise me when I'm in Valhalla you'll kick Merida out of Berk for good" I tried to smile but the pain made it a little difficult.

"Astrid, don't talk like that, you're not going to Valhalla, you'll be okay, you escaped the Death Song to come back to me, not to die when you're this close" he said tearing up again.

I looked into his emerald eyes "Hiccup" I paused and pulled him closer to whisper "I love you"

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