Chapter 19: Cornered

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Hiccup POV

She was telling me to run from her, at first I wasn't sure why but then as I looked into her eyes I saw that they had turned red. Red eyes was a sign of having being hypnotised.

I realised if she was telling me to run from her there was a reason so I ran.

I couldn't think where I could go that would be safe from her, the forest was practically her second home and that was the best place to hide from someone.

It felt as though I had been running for hours before I accidentally found myself on the only beach on Berk where I was cornered, nowhere else to go.

Astrid POV

He had run to one of the beaches, the only beach where he would be cornered. I yelled for him to run, swim, fly, I didn't care as long as I didn't get to him but he stopped.

Hiccup was cornered and there was nothing I could do to stop myself

"Astrid, I know you have been hypnotised to do whatever Drago tells you but, you're a strong woman" he paused "you're my strong woman and you can fight it"

I was shocked at the fact that he had just called me his woman and I stopped.

"Please Hiccup" I begged "I don't want to hurt you" I could feel my eyes tear up, I had just found him and now I was going to kill him.

I grabbed the Inferno he had given me two years ago and ejected the flaming blade.

Hiccup grabbed his own Inferno and ejected the flaming blade.

"Hiccup, I will swing for you and probably hit you, please run" I carried on begging him. I was holding the Inferno in my right hand and a small dagger in my left.

Hiccup was very insistent on trying to talk his way out of it. I swung for him and he blocked, after a small fight I had him pinned down.

I drove the small dagger into his chest before throwing myself away from him.

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