Andre Burakovsky (Part 1)

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You were standing out side, at the bus stop, definitely regretting your decision to allow your friend to bring you skating with her. Not that you didn't enjoy it, it was just unbearably cold outside and the snow was starting to pick up.

You had been waiting at the bus stop for the past 10 minutes but the bus still hadn't shown up so you decide to call the transportation service to ask for timings.


"Hello, how may i help you?" a voice answered.

"Hi! I'd like to know the next bus time for the stop on Main Street?" you asked kindly.

"Yes, of course! Give me a moment," the voice replied.

After a couple minutes of listening to the other person hustling and such, the voice came back again.

"Hi, sorry but um, unfortunately it looks like all buses are cancelled due to the predicted snow storm."

"oh. Okay, thank you!" you say, and hang up, disappointed and now stressed out about how you'd get home.

You checked the time on your phone, it read "6:oo" which meant that your boyfriend of 4 years (freshman year of high school to senior year) would be home by now, perfect! You'd just give him a call.

Ring. Ring . Ring "Pick up, pick up ..," you muttered to yourself.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Rin- the person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable, please try again later.

You were slightly worried since he's always on his phone - unless he was in the washroom or something. That might be it, you thought and decided to call again.

Once again, the same message came up. You were starting to worry a bit more but thought that he might just have his phone turned off or something to calm yourself.

This left you no other option but to call a taxi and wait another 20 minutes for it to reach you.


The taxi received you sooner than expected but you weren't complaining. The complete opposite really.

As the taxi pulled up to the house you share with your boyfriend,you could see that there were two cars in the driveway - one was his but the other one was unfamiliar.

Confusion took over and you quickly paid and thanked the taxi driver before rushing inside to see what was up.

Walking in, you were greeted by faint moans coming from upstairs.

You thought of the worst but tried to calm down and tell yourself not to assume anything.

As you climbed up the stairs, the moans got louder, and you could hear a female voice somewhere in between.

Your eyes watered at the sound, it kept feeding your suspicion even more.

The water dam in your eyes finally burst as you pushed the door to your and Andre's bedroom, wide open, finding him undressed, an unfamiliar girl, also undressed and a condom wrapper on the floor.

This was it. Your heart shattered.

4 years with him and this is how he decided to throw them away.

A sob -gasp left your mouth, that you couldn't contain and both people turned to look at you - the girl with annoyance and Andre with surprise and then regret.

He quickly began to scamper off the bed and collect all his clothing. But you didn't want to give him the chance to talk to you and began to leave. Unfortunately for you, him being a hockey player, he caught up to right as you made it to the bottom of the steps.

Grabbing your arm, he turned you around to face him, nervousness and pure regret shone in his eyes but yours were cold. An icy cold- much worse than the storm brewing outside.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, it was a mist-", Andre blurted out but you cut him off by putting your hand up.

"Stop. Stop bullshitting me. It wasn't a mistake, it was a choice! You threw 4 years of me giving you everything I had, just like that ! We're over Andre! I'm done with you," you yelled, tears streaming down your face. You turned to walk away again but Andre pulled you back once more.

Tears were streaming down his own face now and you could see how much he was hurting from the fact he might lose you.

"Please, please stay .." he whispered out.

His eyes were begging you to say yes, but your mouth said,"No."

And with that, you walked away.

Out of the house.

Out of his life.

You never wanted to see him again.

University acceptances had just went through and you had been accepted by every university you applied for, including University of Washington. This was the farthest of the ones you applied to - the perfect getaway from everything here in Ontario.

This way you'd be able to avoid him.

Able to avoid everything that happened this day.

Or at least you thought...

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