Tyler Seguin ( Dallas Stars) Part 1

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"Hey Tyler!"  You exclaimed, entering the house you shared with your boyfriend, Tyler Seguin. You two had been together for 3 years now and you had just moved in with him a couple months ago. Needless to say you were very happy with him . 

You had just come up with exciting news, your boss was giving you a promotion at work and you were excited to share it with Tyler. 

"Tyler!" You called out again as you set your things down and took off your coat.  There was still no reply which was weird as his car was in the driveway so he was home but you couldn't hear the shower running or the fan on in the washroom, so he wasn't in there either.  You decided to go have a look up stairs to see if he was okay. 

As you got to the third or 2nd step from the top, you heard soft moans coming from the  room you shared with Tyler. 

Is he sick?  You wondered. 

However, all your questions were answered once you pulled the door open.  

Tears sprung into your eyes, your heart crumbled and your stomach dropped. You felt your throat closing, like someone was choking you. You couldn't believe it.  You loved him so much and he goes  and cheats on you.   

The girl and Tyler, both turned to look at you as  you failed to muffle a sob.  Tyler's eyes widened and quickly filled with regret and guilt but you had, had enough.  He went out and threw away 3 years of being together, just like that.  

 You quickly scurried down the stairs and went to grab your keys. You didn't bother packing, you'd come back to get your stuff while he's out tomorrow.  Right now you just had to get away. 

As you hurried to put your shoes on, you could hear Tyler rushing down the stairs, desperate to catch up to you but you made it out before he could. 

You had made it to your car and were starting it when Tyler appeared at your window. You locked all your car doors and didn't open the window for him no matter how much he pounded at your window, begging you to open it. Instead, you put your car in reverse and pulled out of the drive way. You didn't know where you'd go now, maybe a hotel, but  you knew you never wanted to see him again. 

As you turned out onto the street, you looked at Tyler one last time. He was sitting on the rough concrete, his eyes swollen and puffy with tears streaming down his face. It broke your heart to see him like this, but then you remembered what he did  and urged yourself to drive away . 

You drove  to the nearest hotel about 5 miles away, while memories of the good times you had with Tyler played through your head. 

Like the first time he kissed you, you  were 18, on the grad trip . He kissed you on a roller coaster. 

Or like that beautiful dress he bought you for your first date. 

Tears started brimming your eyes and your vision blurred. You couldn't see any more but before you could go to stop - BOOM .  The windshield cracked, blood poured down your head and from your nose. A metal pole, split your car. That's what you crashed into.  You could hear the faint noise of the sirens in the distance but before anyone could reach you, black surrounded your line of vision and soon enough your head had dropped  on the wheel- unconscious. 

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