Nazem Kadri ( Toronto Maple Leafs)

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You adjusted your light, coral dress, slightly , as you waited for him to show up. You were going on a date with, who you think,  is perfection wrapped up in a bow . He was your favourite hockey player - one you'd be crushing on for a long time.  You always believed nothing would happen, that it was just a crush. He's a famous hockey player for  crying out loud! But look where you are now. On a date with the same guy. On a date with Nazem Kadri.  

Ding. Dong!   The sound of the bell interrupted your thoughts. You rushed to the door but stopped just short of opening it. You glanced in the hallway mirror, fixing up your hair a bit and adjusting your dress some more, before finally opening the door. 

There he stood, looking as magnificent as ever. He had on a black suit, his hair brushed slightly and in his hand, a single, crimson red rose.  As he took you in, his small small grew into a large grin and adoration filled his eyes,  making you blush. 

"You look beautiful," Nazem said, while holding the rose out to you. 

As if you weren't red enough already, your cheeks started burning and you tried your best to receive the rose without shaking.    

"Thank you," you replied back, smiling at him.  

" I'll just go put this in the vase and then we can leave. You can come in," you told him. 

You turned back in side and walked to the kitchen table where the vase was located. After carefully placing the rose into the vase, you turned back to the kitchen entrance to find Nazem staring at you with a goofy grin. 

"What?" you questioned as a  little chuckle left your lips. 

He shook his head - a nothing, and  made his way to the front door. You followed suit. 

Once you reached the car, he opened the door for you and bowed, "M'lady." 

"My, my, aren't you one fine gentleman," you joked back. 

He chuckled, " Only the best, Madame, Only the best." 

He closed your door and made way to  the driver's side. As soon as he got in, you asked that one question that all girls die to know on a date, " Where are we going?" 

Of course, he just HAD to be one of those many guys that said, " You'll see, but no matter how much you ask, I wont tell you." 

You sighed heavily and pouted, making him laugh at your childishness. 

His laugh. It was beautiful. The way his nose crinkled a bit when he laughed and how his eyes shimmered. As cliche as that sounded, it was all true and you loved every bit of it. 

A bunch of what if questions, however, swirled around in your mind. 

What if he thinks you're not good enough? 

What if he kisses you and hates it because you've never had your first kiss? 

What if , what if, what if. All these what if's kept you from realizing that the car had stopped.  

It wasn't until Nazem started calling your name repetitively. " Y/N! Y/N! We're here!" 

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" You quickly apologized.  

He frowned, '" You were in a deep thought about something, what was it about?" 

You grinned back at him and did something so gutsy, you'd probably think about it later and go 'why! why did I do it'.   What did you do? You responded to his question with a "You".   This time, instead of his grin, a smirk was plastered on his face.  Without saying a word, he stepped out of the car and was making his way towards your side but before he could open the door for you, you stepped out. 

"Aww, you ruined my chance to be a gentleman!" he pouted. 

 You chuckled , " I'm sorry, you were a little too slow back there." 

"Psshh, I am not slow! I was just trying to .. look uh ..." he stammered, not being able to find the right word. 

" Confident? Hot?" You shot back. 

"So you think i'm confident and hot?" he retorted. 

You stammered,"Um, uh, no - yes, I uh ..." and your face burned up again. 

Nazem stretched his arm behind your back and to your waist, pulling you in and whispering in to your ear, " You know, it's okay if you think that. It's a good thing." His hot breath hit the spot where your jaw and neck meet, making you shiver slightly, in delight, making him smile  softly. 


The rest of your date went by amazingly! The food was delicious, the stories and jokes you both shared were amazing . You two were meant to be. You were the perfect pair.  

Too soon though, the date came to an end and you found your self  and him, parked infront of your home. 

You sighed,"Well, I had fun tonight. This date was spectacular!" You flashed him a grin and he flashed one back. 

" I had a great time too," he replied, honesty poured into each word. 

An awkward silence took over you two, making you fidget a little uncomfortably.  Nazem was in a deep thought about something but suddenly, his eyes snapped to yours. 

" I wasn't sure whether to do this or not but i'm just going to go for it," was the only thing he said. 

Before you could ask him what he meant, his fingers had grasped your chin and his lips were connected with yours. 

 The sweet taste of his lips and the fireworks that went off while you kissed were still present even after the kiss ended.    

As much as you tried to hold it in and seem composed, you couldn't help but give him a goofy smile.  He sighed in relief at your expression. 

"You know, " you started, you should have done that long ago! 

" Yeah I should have, huh?" he joked back. 

You chuckled but were cut off by him asking the question that made your night.

"Y/N, after all the time we've spent together, i've fallen in love with everything about you and I want to be with you. What I'm trying to ask is, Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" 

Overcome with joy, instead of replying to his question verbally, you replied physically, jumping up to give him a tight hug. 

He laughed, " I take that as a yes." 

He pulled away from you very quickly and you didn't like how it felt, not having him near you - you didn't want to be one of those  girlfriends but when he was so close,  distance didn't feel right. Lucky for you, you that distance didn't last long as he pulled you in for a long, make out session.  

If any of your neighbours saw you right now, they'd probably yell at you to get a room, but at the moment, you couldn't care more.  It was him and you.  It felt like you two were the only people there at that moment and boy was it an amazing feeling. 

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