Can someone help me out here?

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so you know those intrusive thoughts you get from ocd, well, this one's stupid but i really want to get rid of it. If there's anything you guys can do to help, please do! 

Alright, basically, I hate the fact that I wasn't born in Canada and  worried that it doesn't make me "canadian", even though i've spent my entire life here. 

Where i was born - i lived for 4 months, moved to a different country. Stayed there for a year and 10 months. Came to Canada  on the last day of november. 

My first season here, was winter. The first birthday we celebrated here, was mine. I didn't know any other home, other than Canada, for my whole life. I grew up here, doing things that Canadian kids do. I grew up playing hockey, eating timbits , and learning french. 

Honestly, I wouldn't have known that I wasn't born here, if I didn't visit my birth place after that.  

I've grown up Canadian, and I've spent my whole life here, so i basically am Canadian, right? 

I know i'm not legally canadian, and that's what bothers me. Even if I do get citizenship, just the fact that I wasn't born here, makes me feel like i'm not Canadian, even though i literally am. 

So this is basically what I'm asking : 

Even though I wasn't born here, I grew up here. My place of birth doesn't mean shit right? I am completely, and truly a canadian kid? 

Idk why this bothers me so much, but it does :/ ik, it's stupid. 

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