Chapter 21

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  I started to cry because I lost her when I finally had her, she didn't even tell me a true reason to breaking and I could tell from the look in her eye that she didn't want to but I had to know why she did it. I was crying my eyes out, when I wasn't hyperventilating I pulled out my phone and called
"Hello?" she said
"Ms. Ayuni (Raven mother) its Lira" I said through tears
"What's wrong sweetie" she said
"S-s-s-she broke up with me" I said
"What? The way she was and looked at you when you guys where here were so happy I don't understand, explain to me what happen please" she asked so I explained to her what happen and she told me that she would call Drake and Carter and have them find out stuff and talk to me about it. I had cried myself to sleep last night because I lost the love of my life and I don't even know what I did wrong. The next day I wake up and get ready for school I don't know what I am going to do, but when I arrived Drake and Carter run up to me
"We need to show you this" they both say and we walk to my class and we shut my door and I turn towards the boys and I saw they had an envelope in there that wasn't there earlier.
"What that?" I asked
"Take a look and it will explain everything" they said so I opened it and I read it the I pulled out all the pictures that were there and I couldn't believe it, it doesn't matter I will get Raven back at any cost and I don't care I love her I will do anything to make her happy.
"Oh can we get your keys to your house please" they asked
"Why?" I asked
"You will see when you get home and it will be unlocked but we will still be there when you get there and yell when you enter for we know your home" they said and so I grabbed my keys out of my bag and handed it to them and with that they left. Thought out the day they weren't in my class and as I thought neither was Raven I let them catch up on homework on this class and other classes. Finally when it was time to come home I rushed out to my car and took off when I arrived home I didn't see any of their cars but I walked in
"I'm home" I yelled like they wanted and so I heard footsteps and I saw both of them
"Good we need your help, but we need you to be clued in" Carter said
"What about?" I asked
"Well we found Raven and got come stuff that can knock her out and so once we knocked her out we brought her here and now she tied up in your basement" Drake said
"Why here?" I asked
"Because its safer, we decanted bugs for listening in her house and we did it here and nothing so we brought her here" they said
"What are you guys doing to her?" I asked scared to know but I needed to
"Well we are getting her to tell us why she broke up with you and trying to talk her into knowing it shouldn't matter what happens as long as you 2 are together and happy that's all that counts " Carter said
"Lead me to her I think I know how to do this, but you guys can come but can't look but you can hear ok?" I asked they both nodded I went to my room to change out of work clothes and into comfy clothes and I grabbed something that will help me I wish it did not have to come to this but I had to I knew it would work. I put it in my pocket and walked down stairs and the boys saw me and they showed me where Raven was, we opened the door and Raven looked up and saw me and I saw pain, regret, protective, and sadness and it hurt me. We walked in and shut the door
"Guys please let me leave I got to get out of here" she said
"No Raven you are going to listen to what Lira has to say" Carter said and him and Drake turned around and not it my turn
"Lira please you have to let me go if you love me" she said and started to cry
"I just want you to listen to me and then you can decide if you want me or not ok?" I asked
"Please" she said
"No we are doing this because we love you" I said
"Ok" she said and looked down
"We found the pictures and note from D and I don't care what he does to me because I love you with all my heart and people can't stop us from being together. I WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND NO ONE ELSE" I yell the last part
"you don't understand" she said
"I don't do i?" I said and I took off my shirt and my pants showed my scars from my past
"What happen?" she asked getting angry
"My past I uses to cut myself for being the way I am, and my back scares are from a wip that when I uses to get beat by my uncle because I was lesbian and so he tried to beat it out of me." I said and started to cry
"Lira why hurt yourself?" she asked
"Why not I am not wanted by anyone so just wanted the pain to stop so I cut and I went numb." I said and grabbed my pants and I grabbed my blade that I kept all these years
"Lira please" she started to freak out and trying to get out and stopping me
"Why" I said
"Because it would hurt me" she said and trying to get out of it and stopping once again
"Well you hurt me yesterday, so why should I hurt you" I asked bringing the blade close to my wrist
"I only did it to protect you" she said and started fighting it
"From who?" I asked
"Well then I should kill myself before he kills me" I said and I slit my wrist half way deep to where I know it would not kill but it will still have a lot of blood come out, I fell to the floor.  

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