Chapter 6

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  Lira aka Ms. Mary
She pulled away and I open my eyes to see who it was and I saw it was Raven she didn't even notice who I was I bet yeah.
"You Lira are a amazing kisser and when we first kissed in the bathroom it was amazing I did not want to let you go. And when I saw you for the second time I was happy to see you but also sad because we can't be together I really like you" she said and sleared her words and I was happy she felt the same way but I was going to show her we can be together and keep our relationship a secret from other.
"I purposely grabbed that book for I could talk to you and I really wanted to talk to you and give you my number and I really want to give us a try" I said
"We can't because one your my teacher and two you have a boyfriend" she said
"We can keep us a relationship a secret and I was just on a date trying to move on from you" I said
"Are you sure you want to risk it, your job for just for a girl that a no one" she asked
"I would risk it because you're not a no one to me you are a great, wonderful, amazing person who I really like and I want to be with you no matter what" I said then she kissed me and it was like no other I am glad to call her mine.
"So is that a yes?" I asked
"Definitely yes" she said and I gave her kiss with so much passion, and she kissed me back. We pulled away and danced our butts off for the night. Just about a hour later Carter and Drake came
"Well well finally a teacher who knows how to have fun" Carter said
"Is Raven drunk?" Drake asked
"Yeah and so am I" Carters said and Drake and I just laughed at that.
"We better get them home" Drake said I went looking for my brother who was dancing with a chick
"Hey bro we should go" I said and grabbed his arm and walked to my car and luck us we aren't far from home.When we walked in the house I dropped my stuff and went to bed the way I was dressed. I woke up the next day and I had the worse hangover ever and it didn't help that my phone went off. I just picked it up
"Hello?" I asked and I went to my bathroom to get so pain killers
"Ms. Mary? This is Raven" she said on the other end and I just happy to hear from her since I she kissed me and she was sorry. (Yep that is right she does not remember her and Raven getting together or dancing together)
"Yes" I said
"Do you remember anything from last night" she asked worried
"No I don't why" I asked
"Ok good that is all I wanted to know" she said and hung up, that was weird. I walk to the kitchen and I see my brother past out on the floor, lol so I decided to wake him up
"Hey wake up and lets get some food" I said
"What time is it" he said and it was loud
"Ow shh quiet that hurt and it is 11:34am " I said and went and stripped and took a shower and got redressed and once I was done with that I went and met my brother and we drove off to sharis.
"So who was that cutie that you where dancing with last night?" he asked yes My brother knows I am lesbian no one else knows.
"I don't remember anything from when we arrived" I said and took a sip of my coffee
"Well who ever it is you need to find her" he said
"Why" I said
"Because I saw you and i knew you where drunk but your emotion for her where true you are in love with that chick" he said just as our food arrived
"I don't remember anything" I said
"Here I took a photo of you two I thought you might like it" he said and took out his phone and I got it imminently and I opened it and I saw it was a great picture of Raven and I.   

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