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Raven's P.O.V.

I sat by beastboys body, healing him.

He's been out cold for two days now.

His body wasn't capable, or well it was just shocked and unused to growing into the beast again.

The healing process is almost done.

I examine beast boy.

His eyes are shut. Hos green skin was cold. His green hair was a mess and his clothes torn.

I finished healing him and let him sleep.

Letting his body repair the small little things that I might have not.
I sighed as I walked back to my room, then, the crime alert went off.

Quickly I met the others, except beast boy of course, in the common room.

"It's the joker! TITANS, GO!" Robin yelled.


City centre. He was destroying every thing and every human in sight.

"Joker! " Robin yelled.

The joker turned around and smiled.

"Well, well.. If it isn't the titans, where's the green one?" the joker laughed.

Just then did I realise, my powers are drained from flying over and healing beast boy. I can't fight yet, I have to recover.

The Joker must of noticed me, not concentrating on anything.

"Raven. Is something wrong? " I laughed.

I pulled my hood down and picked a knife from my belt.

"Nothing at all. " I smiled.

"DID RAVEN JUST SMILE?" Cyborg screamed.

I began laughing historically as I ran towards the joker withheld knife.

-End of dream -

I woke up panting and sweating. That wasn't a dream. It was a vision.

I quickly looked at the clock.

4:13 am.

When a demon has a vision, the time the vision stops is the amount of days it will happen in.

My vision will occur in 4 months and 13 days.

I was confused for a moment, trying to tell which part was real and which was apart of my vision. I remember the events from yesterday, beastboys out burst, the beast and me healing him.

So everything from the crime alert going off to me with the knife was a vision.

Was I going to kill the joker? What was I doing with a knife?

I sighed and got up. I needed mediation.

----- after meditation ----

My vision finally made sense. This time I saw it more clearly while meditating.

I was never drained by healing beast boy because he never needed healing, since the vision is placed 4 months after what happened yesterday. And he was at the fight.

But the current events effected my visions, to seem more realistic to me.

I went to check on beastboy.

He was lightly snoring.

I walked out and sat in the common room, reading a book and drinking herbal tea, then the elevator doors opened...

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