Chapter 11: The Aquila

Start from the beginning

"Oh dear lord." You mumbled.


You resorted to the area underneath the deck. Or whatever it was called. You knew nothing of sailor terms. Well, all you knew was that you were along the east coast. But only an imbecile wouldn't be able to figure that out.

Sailor shanties were being sung everywhere around the Aquila. You were glad to know that these sailors actually enjoyed being overseas, unlike yourself here. The constant rocking made your stomach sick, and yourself light-headed. How fun.

"Come on, lad! No time like the present! Come on, come on! She won't bite!" You heard Faulkner shout to Connor from above.

Oh lord. Is he really giving the wheel to Connor? Save us all.. You thought. Now you were definitely staying inside of the ship.

After a couple of long minutes, you felt the Aquila slow down to a stop. Your head perked up quickly.

You quickly ran off the ship and onto pure land, shouting out, "Land! I've missed you, dear! I promise to never leave you again!"

A pretty nice way to gain first impressions on yourself. This was Martha's Vineyard, an island a bit off of Massachusetts. You followed Faulkner and Connor into an inn, still very much grateful that everything around you has stopped moving.

"Oh, hullo, Miss Mandy. You're looking every bit as ravishing as I remember."

"After all these years you sail all the way to the Vineyard to pay me compliments?" This "Mandy" was most likely the innkeeper, of course. 

"We're looking for David and Richard Clutterbuck."

"Nice to see you, too." She said sarcastically, tilting her head towards two men sitting at a table.

"Robert Faulkner. Where the hell you been?" The first man said. You raised your eyebrow at how cold he spoke.

"Sorry for leavin' like I did lads, but where I was going... no one could know... You two working much?" Faulkner took a seat at the same table.

"Nah... between contracts at the moment." The second man said.

"Well, we're looking for gunnery officers. What would you two say to working with me again?" Faulkner offered.

"We'd be for gettin' into a few more scraps." He chuckled.

"Good show! 'The Aquila is a fine vessel. We're fitting all the guns as we speak..." 

Connor began walking off, and you raised your arm to say something before the first man said, "Looks like your friend's about to catch a beatin'."

"Where is Charles Lee?" 

Yep. Pretty damn straight-forward. You were almost embarrassed by it until you recognized one of the men Connor walked up to as Benjamin Church, one of the Templars from the basement in the manor.

"I don't much care for your tone, boy." Church said.

The other man, Nicholas Biddle, rose from his seat.

"Hey... You don't want to be doin' that, Biddle." Faulkner said.

"Bobby Faulkner turned to wet-nursing? Good you finally realized you're a shite sailor." Biddle said.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Not in here gentlemen. Better still, not at all. Bobby, take your friends and get out." Mandy shouted after separating the two men.

"Let's go boys. Our guns ought to be ready. Come on." Faulkner ushered Connor out, and you followed. Well that went rather unexpected.


As you boarded the Aquila, you immediately dashed for under the deck as you notice Connor taking hold of the wheel. Today was just not your day.

After a minute or so of sailing, you heard a loud boom coming from outside, along with a bit of shaking from the ship. You knew what was happening. The cannons were being fired. Hell, you couldn't even stay on board without feeling sick. Being in the middle of naval combat will cause you to pass out without much effort.

One of the sailors had noticed your almost trembling state and assured you, "Don't worry, lass. Tis but only target practice. And then we be headin' home."

However, not too long after, the same sailor returned with more news. "Okay, lassie. A bunch of enemy vessels have been spotted. We're being attacked by a British frigate. Brace yourself."

Something told you that these sailors weren't actually taking this as seriously as they should and they were only doing this for the entertainment of watching you suffer. Probably because they've been in many, many naval battles. While you, a hardcore land lover, have not.


Finally, back on Davenport land. You almost made dirt angels from the joy of being back on land.

"I got 'em! All of 'em! You find what I need and I'll give 'em to ya! Simple! You got a ship! Could find 'em all to boot!" You heard an old man shout.

"Who is that man?" Connor asked.

"Him? Some ol' salt always going on about letters he's got from Captain Kidd. Nonsense, really, but he don't hurt no one, so I leave him be. Talk to him if you fancy, but be warned – he'll chew your ear off. Anyway, the Aquila's here for you, should you get a pang for the open sea. Now I implore you to head up the hill 'fore the Old Man comes out of retirement just for me."

Next time they go sailing, you were hiding in the stables.

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