The Beast is Back.

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Raven's P.O.V
(This chapter is rushed for the following reasons in the a/n at the end)
I sighed as I walked to the kitchen, my legs were aching from not being in use for a while, since I float almost everywhere, so I decided to walk for once.

The hood of my purple cloak was pulled over my head, as usual.

As I entered the common room, I saw everyone already sitting down. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing video games, Starfire was playing with Silkie, the only one who noticed me was Robin.

He simply nodded, I nodded back and turned to the kitchen to make some herbal tea.

After my tea was done I turned to the doors of the common room to go back to my own room, but then Beast Boy spoke.

"Where you going Rae?" he asked, setting his controller down and turning to face me.

"To my room." I said in my usual monotone voice. My back now facing him.

"Ughh" he groaned. "Can't you have fun for once? You know... Be normal? "

My demon eyes flashed as anger went through every bone and pumped through every vein in my body.

I squeezed my mug of tea, but obviously too hard, because it shattered in my palm, cutting me.

I watched the tea on my palm mix with my blood.

The mug was in pieces on the floor.

Without hesitation I turned around and flew right to Beast Boy, eyes all on me.

"What did you say!" I yelled, our faces inches away.

"Raven.. " Robin interfered, taking a step closer.

"Stay out of it." I hissed.

He nodded and backed away.

I turned back to beastboy, who didn't seem one bit imitated. Which was odd..

"You know it's true Raven. All you do is read stupid books, meditate and hide in your room all day! That's just plain sad! Go out and have fun for once! Share your emotions! Be normal! No wonder your single! No guy would ever want to date someone who doesn't even know how to feel love or happiness. Stop hiding away in the cloak and your room for once and be normal! " He screamed in my face.

My fists unclenched by my side, which I didn't know we're clenched in the first place.

Shock, anger and sadness flashed across my face for a brief moment, before quickly vanishing.

Luckily no one saw because of my hood.

I had nothing to say, because I knew it was true.

The other titans were in shock at the sudden out burst beast boy just had.

"Raven I.." Beast Boy put his hand out to touch me but I quickly teloported to the safest, most quiet place I know in all of JumpCity. My room.

Beastboys P.O.V

I can't believe what I just said.
Did I even say that?

"BEAST BOY THAT WAS UN CALLED FOR!" Robin roared in my face.

My heart sunk as I realised, the beast is back.

"Beast.. He's back. it wasn't me who said that... It was beast and my anger problems! " I said, defending my self.

"It's true you know. " I said. Wait I didn't say that? That's not even my voice!

"It's Beast." I or well the beast said.

"But.. Friends how is it possible that the Beast is now speaking to us? " Starfire asked, utterly shocked.

"Well duh. I share a body with Logan here, I'm speaking through him, we share a body, we share a mouth. The only thing we don't share is a mind. He can still speak himself though too." The Beast answered.

Cyborg hasn't said a single word.

"What... I-Is happening.. AH!" I fell down and grabbed my head in pain.

"HELP!" I screamed before passing out into complete darkness.

Ravens P.O.V (Sorry for all the changes.)

I heard someone screaming, I teloported into the common room to see the problem.

The beast.

"What's happening.. "

Cyborg turned to me.

"BB didn't say those things to you Rae, It was Beast. He was pissed at something and took it out on you. Beast was speaking through Bb's body, since they share one. "

Cyborg explained, he seemed to be completely shocked as he said it, I simply nodded.

"I understand. " I stated.

I faced beast. "Why are you back?" I asked calmly.

"I'm alive you know. I live, I breath, I love, I feel and I eat. I'm a human just like you... Except I don't have my own body. " he huffed.

"I'm not a human. I'm only half. " I smirked.

Of course, no body saw because of my hood.

"I wish I had my own body. " The Beast said, staring into tin air, day dreaming.

I started to think. But it was to risky to try straight away. Way to risky, plus we only talked to him for the first time ever today.

"Well.. Just talk through beast boy for now. " I suggested.

He shrugged. "I'll come when I need to.. You can have beast boy back. " He sadly sadly.

His body slowly changed back into beastboys.

Beastboy was brought into the infirmary for a check up.

I guess I'll be Making a deal with the devil soon..


A/N IMPORTANT. Okay so this chapter is rushed ONLY because I want to get the beast out there so I can get straight to the story already and so the story from the next Chapter on will make more sense. I won't rush it anymore, I just needed to in this chapter :)

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