Chapter 17

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Eric POV

I didn't get it, what had just happened?

She threw me out, okay I get that I'm her teacher and that I kissed her, but she was giving just as much as she was getting

She was into it wasn't she?

I got home and saw Ethan sitting on the couch watching a movie.

He looked up as I walked towards him and sat down.

His eyes lit up, "So how was it?"

I smiled remembering the start, "It started out great, the food was amazing, and so is she-"

He frowned, "But?"

Damn him for knowing me so well.

"We kissed, for a bit, and then she uh, she threw me out"

His eyes widened "Wait she threw you out, after you kissed"

He burst out laughing, and pretended to wipe his nonexistent tears, "Damn Eric how bad was it, if that isn't a sign I don't know what is"

I sighed, "You think that's it?"

He looked at my face before he answered, "Of course not, she kissed you back right?"

I nodded.

"Well there you go"

"Maybe it's because I'm her teacher"

He sighed "Look Eric, if she's invited you over and doesn't mind talking to you outside of school, then I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have a problem with you being a teacher" he took a breather after his mini speech and looked at me expectantly.

"But-" I started.

"Uh uh, no buts, if you're still worried tomorrow then talk to her in school"

"Yeah you're right" he looked smug at that.

I continued, "I'm off to bed then"

I made my way towards my room, when Ethan's voice stopped me.

"You really like her huh?"

I smiled softly to myself, "Yeah I really do" I murmured in response.

He nodded to himself, and I left him with his thoughts.


The next morning I put more of an effort with my appearance, for no reason at all.

'Yeah it's not like you're trying to impress a certain student' my conscience muttered.

I'd decided before I'd finally slept last night, that I would find some excuse to talk to her, now I just had to get to school.

I reached their twenty minutes later, a record if you ask me.

I started to mark some work as I waited for my first lesson, having a night out came with consequences, which were piles of unmarked pieces of work.


She didn't turn up.

Was it really that bad?

I mean not coming to school is a bit extreme isn't it?

But what if something else was going on here

I really needed to find out where she was.

After this lesson, I would go down to her house, to check on her.

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