Chapter Twenty Eight.

Start from the beginning

She hasn't had her phone switched on since she had replied and when she had turned it on early she had been more than disappointed when she saw that she had no messages or missed calls from Lucy.

She hurried to type another text to Lucy just asking how she was and made small talk within the one text. She didn't tell Lucy about what was happening nor could she bare to tell her best friend goodbye just incase anything did happen to her tomorrow.

"Had she even replied to any of your texts or calls?" Daniel asked softly from beside her as she moved her head so that she could see his face.

"No, I'm worried about her. What if something happened to her?" She asked as she felt her forehead crease with worry at the thought of something happening to her best friend.

"I'm sure she's fine and had a perfectly reasonable excuse to not returning your texts or calls, maybe she's busy. I'm sure her mum would have called you if something was wrong." He tried to reason as she remembered that Samuel had said something similar when she had spoken to him about the situation between her and her best friend.

"I know but I just have this weird feeling that something's happened or going to happen, something bad." She muttered as she rested her head on the many pillows that Samuel had gotten her so that she could rest her back comfortably against the headboard of his large double bed.

"I know and that's because of tomorrow but I promise that Dean and I will do everything we canto protect you." He said softly as he grabbed her had a laced their gingers together whilst Dean did the same to other hand before giving it a tight squeeze.

"No," she shook her head, "I need you to promise me, promise that if it gets to much you will leave, you will both run."

"Alena we can't do that." Dean murmured.

"Yes you can, neither of you have meet your mates yet! She's out there waiting for you to find her and I want be the reason for ruining your happiness." She was on the verge of tears and she began to hiccup as she pleaded with her protectors.

"Ale-" Daniel began.

"Promise me, please." She begged looking at them both and their torn expressions.

"I-" Daniel one again tried to speak.

"We promise." Dean suddenly stated interrupting Daniel who looked at Dean as if he had grown another head within the last few seconds.

Alena felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, it was only a small amount of weight but she felt lighter as she sank further into the pillows and closed her eyes. She was thankful that she hadn't started crying like she had for the past few days at anything to do with tomorrow.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew was that she was being gently shaken awake by Samuel who was looming over her. It was dark outside and the curtains had been closed while both of the bedside lamps lit the room up in a warm orange glow.

"Hi sleepy head, how do you feel?" Samuel asked with a smile as she helped her sit up so that she could stretch.

It was a strange question to ask in the circumstances that they were in bit she was thankful for some sort of normality in the crazy life that she had been thrown into. She was thankful though for Samuels small gesture as she smiled warmly up at him watching in awe as he graced her with the smile that she loved so much, his full pink lips pulled up either side to reveal a dimple on one of his cheeks and his straight white teeth, his brown eyes boring into her own.

The emotion of love was evident in his gaze with such intensity that she blushed and looked away whilst Samuel chuckled softly and turned around to grab a tray that he had set down on the draws a little way away.

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