Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Verin glanced at me, confused now. "No, I don't. He's not a threat."

"You're wrong." He mused. "Since he's an assassin, Verin, don't you think it's a tad coincidental that he was enslaved and bought by you? It's very obvious that he's getting close to you to kill you, and he won't allow anyone else to do it because it's his job. He wants you to trust him so that the betrayal will be too devastating for you to react when he ends your life."

"You're wrong!" Verin snapped, fiercely. "He would never do that. He's not an assassin either. He wouldn't kill me." His gaze went to mine. "Right, Faolan? You are not who he's speaking about. You weren't sent here to kill me. You're just a normal wolf that was put into slavery."

My heart was pounding harshly against my chest as I stared at him. Half of those claims are true. "Verin," I rasped since it was hard to talk under the pressure of the guard above me, "I wasn't---"Suddenly, the guard lifted my head up and bashed it down. Pain exploded and I saw stars.

"He's trying to deny those claims, Verin." Mammon spoke up again. "When everything I said was true. His name is exactly that. He was also sent to bring you and your father down. Of course, he wouldn't tell you that here when that would jeopardize everything. Everything you've done with him until now have been a lie. It was fake. He faked everything up to now to win you over and let your guard down."

I don't know what Verin saw in my expression, but his face twisted. Twisted in a way that was heart breaking. "You're lying. He's not..." He said, voice slightly trembling as he was trying to deny his words. "Let Foalan speak. I'm sure that it's not true that he's an assassin."

"Oh?" He laughed again. "Then explain his behavior when you got shot by that arrow? How he defeated your guard?" His smile grew. "Do you truly think those are actions by a mere slave?"

Verin didn't speak up, but only because I assumed it was because he knew I was a bodyguard of an Alpha's daughter, who was still in the Underworld. Revealing that I was a bodyguard, would also reveal Accalia's identity since it didn't take much to do research on creatures these days. At the same time, I also wondered whether or not if Verin may have contemplated this true as well.

"I'm sure he fed you a lot of lies." Mammon continued. "Like how he was protecting a princess when he wasn't. There are no such things as princesses where he came from. In fact, those princesses can protect themselves and if they cannot, they were viewed weak. That is how mutts are, Verin. They have a very barbaric view of their people. They only value strong individuals and not weak ones. I bet his Alphas told him to come and assassinate you. It wouldn't be that far off that they would they send their own daughter to convince you of that view."

Okay, for some odd reason, I was starting to think he was observing me more than I thought he would be. Though, it was true that some Lycan still hold that kind of view. But Verin must know that I already told him that Accalia was the Alpha's daughter, and he wouldn't put his daughter at risk for anything. Otherwise... why would I be a bodyguard for her?

"The one I don't trust is you, cousin." Verin finally said, raising his head to glare at him. "The only ones that I believe are the ones I consider close to. Why would I believe in anything you say or him?" He waved his hand at Vetis angrily.

"It's okay if you don't believe, Verin." Mammon spoke up before Vetis could, who looked like he wanted to say something. "It's too bad though. You didn't even pay any attention to what your little brother was doing."

"Why are you bringing up my brother?" Verin said, lowly as he tried to hid his confusion that reflected in his eyes.

"Cresil figured everything out." Vetis said at last. "He didn't know about the twin killing thing, but he figured out that Mammon's family was part of the assassination attempts. He also figured out that I was in on it. You never wonder why he acted so cold towards everyone? I mean something like that is a heavy burden to carry with the knowledge that no one would believe you without proof that he didn't have." He crossed his arms and averted his gaze a little. "But last night, he tried to inform your father, and we stopped him."

"And before you ask," Mammon cut in before Verin opened his mouth, "we will not inform where anyone is. But I will say that Cresil is in quite a... serious situation."

"What have you done with my brother?" Verin growled, moving forward a step to only be grabbed by the guards by the arms to keep him where he was.

He tsked. "I'm not going to tell you. But what I will say is that we're going to get rid of you."

I froze at his words as I stared at him. No, he couldn't mean...

"Yeah, right." Verin snapped at him. "You can't get rid of me as I'm the prince."

"That's why you must disappear." Vetis spoke up. "You need to be gone until things are put into our favor." He snapped his fingers. "So, this is farewell, cousin."

Suddenly, Verin was shoved to the ground by two guards closest to him as the third one grabbed his sword to go over him. "Please forgive us." He spoke as he began to raise his sword up high.

It dawned on me that they were serious. They were actually going to do it. "No!" I shouted and lunged forward but the remaining guards hurriedly grabbed me. "Let me go! Let him go!" I began to snarl, growing anger rising up. Time slowed down as I began to feel the familiar sensation of my hairs rising up. Protect. I need to protect him. I pleaded to myself as my eyes stared at Verin, who looked at me in that moment. Protect everything that he stands for.

That is when something snapped inside me.

I knew it wasn't my imagination when everyone's eyes snapped to me as if a noise was there.

Oh. I knew that noise.

It was my howl.


What is this? I updated AGAIN? And within not only a month but a WEEK?

Well, I was almost done with this chapter since I was working it the same time I was doing chapter Twenty-Eight. Yeah, I'll say that was smart of me at the time.

One more chapter to go! It might take me awhile to write though as updating the same week was literally a fluke XD

But, uh, look at that! You guys are finally seeing something that you begged me to see with Faolan besides the kissing scene. Truthfully, I wasn't planning this but then I remembered chapter thirty was Verin's POV and I wasn't willing to end things at chapter Twenty-Nine without some amazing killing action that will be in Chapter Thirty.

Sooo I hope this kinda makes up for the extremely long wait. ^^"

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