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Jarrett goes "come with me or im killing myself" z was like "ugh. Not this shit again. Ill be in the car, Yall 2 hurry up!"

So jarrett is literally breaking down. U ever seen someone hysterically crying? Its intense. & jess tryna calm him. . Im at the door ready

Jarrett randomly stops crying. Instantly. Like some movie shit. & goes "so u arent comin?!" Jess said "no jarrett. I cant" this nigga jarret

RUNS TOWARDS THEIR BALCONY & JUMPS!! I swear to GOD. bible. He fucking jumped. I screamed SO LOUD my heart stopped

Jess runs towards the balcony & this nigga jarrett was hanging. He didn't fall all the way. He was stuck by his pants. THANK GOD!!!!

We were only on the 4th floor but he still wouldve died. It was a good drop. So jess is helping him & i call z lmfaoo. Still crying

I was like "jarrett is stuck. He tried to jump off ur balcony" z was like "WHAT IS WRONG WIT THIS NIGGA!! FAMILIES LIVE HERE BRO WTF"

So z came up, helped get him. Slapped the fuck out of him (literally) & physically guided him to the car...jess comes out & goes

"I swear I didn't set u up Zola. I never intended for u to trap. Thats why u didnt! I hope we can be friends after"

I looked at her like she wasn't speaking English & i said "im not gone beat yo ass rn bcus u already in bad shape. But i better not ever

see or hear from you again" & she walked away....z LITERALLY buckled jarretts seat belt lmfao. & we went to the airport.

Bare with me. It's almost over.
When we landed in Detroit my man picked us up. We both looked HORRIBLE. so washed up & tired

My man was like "who is this white boy & wats wrong wit yall" i said "babe. Neither of us r the same. Just tak him 2 his car & tak me home"

We drop jarrett off & on the way home i told him everything. He couldnt even speak honestly. .

Check this out, this the last 4 tweets

I get a collect call 4 days later from a jail in LAS VEGAS! It's JESSICA! She goes "we got caught trappin in vegas & we all got arrested.........."

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