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We head to the club
So we working. It was kind of slow (it was early Friday night) the club had HELLA rules which I'm not use to (Ima full nude typa bitch)

But this club require pasties & boy shorts & all this other shit..whatever. So after making about $800, I was ready to go.

She was talking to some dude, tryna talk him out his wallet & they exchanged numbers. So I was like "call ur man. I'm ready!" ..she calls

The black dude. I'm like ummm that's not ur man but okay. So I pull her to the side before he pulled up like "wassup wit ur roommate?"

And she was like we're really close. Before I met Jarrett I was with him. He was taking care of me. I was like OHHH well I don't need that

"Taking care of Me" in stripper language means that was her pimp. So I was like does Jarrett know? & she goes "of course not" ...strike 1

So then she goes "I didn't make anything tonight. What u make because he's gna ask" ..I said "umm that's not yalls business Jess!" ..chill

So he pulls up & AS SOON as we get in he goes "what y'all make" we said at the same time "nothing" he goes damn my girl said she had a

bad night too. We finna go pick her up. (His fiance who lives down here) ..we pick her up & he goes "nobody made shit. Y'all wanna trap?"

Trap in stripper lingo means trick. So jessica goes "hell yea! U got some clients" im in the back on mute. He was like "u can get some!"

So jess is like "yea i need to trap. But jarret is at the room!" & he goes "i wasnt putting yall in thay shit hole tht was for him not yall"

Im still quiet....we pull up to a nice ass hotel on the other side of town & he goes "ill get the clients together & text yall off this" ..

He handed her a trap phone. So i am mind blown at this point. . So then we get to the room. Nice as fuck. Just me & jess & i start GOIN OFF

"BITCH U GOT ME FUCKED UP. IM NOT ABOUT TO PLAY WIT U HO. IM GOIN HOME" so she starts cryin & shes like "i didn't wanna take this trip alone

Please dont l leave me. I would be so scared alone" shes fucking sobbing. Im like oooommmmgggggg really?! Now im feeling bad for the ho

She goes "u can just check the guys in, he's not gna force u to trap" i said "OH BITCH I KNOW HE NOT I KILL DEAD ASS KILL YALL" verbatim

So she cleans herself up & theres a knock at the door...i open the door & some fat white man goes "im here for the white girl"...

So I check his pockets, take his wallet & let him in...they start fucking RIGHT on the bed next to me. It was a fucking mess. A MESS

So when they finished he gave her $100. I said "jess, u sellin puss for $100???? Pussy is worth thousands. U trippin" she goes "i dont

make the prices. The prices are already discussed before they come in. So i was like bitch no. If u gone do this. Do it right...

So i took some pics of her & put em on backpage. Along with a the trap phone # wit a MINIMUM of $500. The phone starts BLOWIN UP!!!

I was like "se bitch. I got u a nigga comin up RIGHT NOW giving $500 for 15 mins" ...he comes, I check him they get it in, he leaves. .

We are doing this ALL NIGHT!!! She fucked about 20 dudes and her sorry ass pimp only sent 3 of them around 6am JARRET CALLS

She answers on speaker & he is going OFF!!!"WHERE TF ARE U & ZOLA?! The club BEEN CLOSED!" she goes "we went 2 another club cus it was slow"

So im googling 24h clubs (FL has a few) tryna help her lie & he is NOT having it. Hes LIVID. He goes "if u went home wit a dude ur DEAD!"

So he asks to speak to ME?! I was likr maaannn ima end up killin these crazy white niggas tonight. So he starts cursing ME out!!!

"Where are yall! I kno she's lying!! Dont be a ho like her zola!!" I said "i PROMISE you, im not" ..he hangs up on me & that was it.

We didnt hear from him for the trst of the night. . We fall asleep. A fee hours later the black dude (I STILL DONT KNOW HIS NAME) comes up

He's like "how much you make lastnight" jess goes "5,500" i was like WTF WHY SHE TELLIN THE TRUTH?!?! I pimped her not him.

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