Chapter 25: Hospital Nights.

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Mind the errors ;)! Well, here is chapter 25! I hope I can get to upload another chapter tomorrow, but if I don't, I will probably upload it Friday! :)

I have been sitting in the waiting room for about two hours without knowing what the hell is happening with Danny. I went to go check at the front desk, but they said they don't have any data about him, but he is in surgery to fix up his arm, which is really damaged, the person said.

Now, I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Blake to get here, which shouldn't even be taking him a long time. I got here around ten minutes and now, it is taking forever to get some news about my brother.

"You do know if you keep crying, it will look like you smoked a lot in the morning."

"For your information, I don't smoke, so I don't think people I know would think that." I said looking up at this boy who looks around my age.

"Okay, Okay," He nods as he sits next to me. "Who's here?"

"My little brother." I sigh. "What about you?"

"My four year old little sister. She had a seizure just a while ago."

"How is she?" I breath.

"She's doing a bit better, but the doctor said she will be back on her feet by next week."

"That's a good thing." I smile.

As I sip on my coffee, I lean my head back onto the wall and let my mind wander. I don't think I would like to come here, well, as soon when we leave The Cabin Mansions, I don't want to come back. I know nothing wanted to hurt Danny or anything, but the memory is going to be there and I know I will be thinking of it every moment I'm here.

It's going to be boring if my family decides to go on vacations and go to The Cabin Mansion, but they will have to leave me at th house or send me to Grandma's.

"What happened with your brother?"

"He almost tried to kill himself," I shake my head. "He also has depression, maybe that triggered the idea of suicide. I don't know."

"Let's just hope he makes it out okay," He nods. "But has he been seeing his doctor?"

"His doctor is back In California, we moved here to New York about five months ago. We all agreed we would talk on Skype, but we all sort if forgot."

"Send him back to California," He nods. "I think it would be healthy. You know, he is going to have someone to talk to and get it all off his chest on what he has to say."

"I can send him when I got college," I run a hand through my hair. "Which is in about a month or so."

"Well, that's a bit lengthy, but it will do. Just make sure he shows up to his appointments because he will need it when he is out of here."

I frown. "So your saying my brother has to stay here for some time?"

"Yes, they have to put him under watch."

There is no way in hell I'm leaving my brother here. Who do they think they are? Danny can perfectly stay at home. Mom can force him to stay in the living room for she can supervise him or I will even stay home to supervise him!

"What is he?" I snort. "A dog? My little brother will not be out under watch."

"It's something the Doctors decide," He sighs. "If they do decide to put him under watch, he will be with other people his age."

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