Chapter 24: Halloween With The Zavala's.

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"What are you guys talking about? We never celebrate Halloween at The Cabin Mansions." Mom frowns.

"Yes, we get that mom," Nate sighs. "But this is a good idea."

"Whever you say it's a good idea, it never is," Dad snorts as he plays with Jordan.

"Just listen to him," Romero groans.

Romero and his girlfriend Betty have been stuck on each other, but it hasn't bothered me. Romero and I kind of make up, so it's all good at the moment. As long as she stays away from me, there will be no accidents.

"As I was saying," Nate nods. "We should have a really big Halloween party at The Cabin Mansions. Even if we already have a lot of money, we are getting so much more because people are paying the admission fee. So this money we are getting, will go to charity,"

After the day of Halloween, is the day of The Military Ball, which is going to throw us off our schedule for a little, but come on! This is charity we are talking about. We could help little kids in need at the moment!

"Good idea, Nate." Dad nods.

"Okay," My mom smiles. "But remember, no alcohol this time,"

"No promises." Hayden sucks air through his teeth.

"Alright! Let's get moving! We don't have enough time."


"How about Nirvana?"

"How about The Weeknd?"

"How about no?"

Blake, Hunter, Xander and I are in the same care while talking about songs, artists, bands, etc. I on the ither hand, got stuck driving the whole way to The Cabin Mansions. I would of wanted to be alone with Blake, but I haven't spent that much time with my brothers since we have been so busy.

"The Weeknd is the best! Just because he sings about fucking bitches, popping pills doesn't mean he is a bad person," Xander laughs. "Have you met him? He's really nice,"

"He really is," I smile.

"See!" Xander points to me. "You guys should of went to the concert with us,"

We went one of The Weeknd's concert and let me tell you, it was so fun. We also got VIP tickets to meet him, making me the happiest girl in the world. I didn't want to leave, but Xander pulled me away, practically forcing me because he didn't want to leave either.

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