
I found myself outside Corrigan and Viviana's room once more, pacing the hallway. At least this time it was still day. Most of the wolves were at a party in the red room celebrating my temporary status of third. I didn't understand why they were wasting time on something so trivial but Ember said that with the tension the pack was under lately they needed a party. I didn't enter the room knowing full well Corrigan would tell me to go and stop worrying. Viviana would likely say something to the same effect but from the sound of her breathing she was asleep. I wonder if Vera place her under again or if she was just napping since she had nothing better to do.

"Will I continue to find you lurking here until she is released?" Andrea said. "I am not lurking." Silence descended for a few moments and I was tempted to turn and look at Andrea but I kept my eyes locked on the door. "Since the moment she arrived you have claimed I know nothing about her. You insist on taking her side. Tell me Kye what part of the story am I missing. How else should I react to her killing my father?" Andrea asked.

This time I did turn and face Andrea. She stood only a few feet from me and instead of the rage or sadness I had grown accustomed to seeing in her eyes determination shone. She truly wished to know what it was I saw in her mother that she didn't. I wanted to tell her. Wanted to explain everything and make her understand but I couldn't. "I...can't explain." I said.
"It...I...you need to ask Viviana."
"I'm asking you. Everyone knows the story, what happened was no secret. Out of everyone I have met my hate for her is understood and encouraged even. You on the other hand react...aggressively whenever anyone makes a negative comment about Viviana. Tell me do you care for her that much? How can you trust her, cling to her when you know she killed her own mate. Don't you realize you mean nothing to her. She cares for no one but herself and her power."

I stepped away from Andrea rage burning through my body. Everyone who heard of Viviana truly only thought one thing about her, she was a mate-killer. No one questions why she did what she did. No one sees her pain that she wears like a cloak around her. What she did tears her apart inside yet she did it all the same and for good reason not just because she wanted the power of Epsilon.

"Ask your mother her story if you wanted to know. I will tell you one thing," I met Andrea's eyes so she could see I truly meant what I was about to say, " I respect what she did."

A growl ripped through Andrea and her wolf ripped out. She had me pinned to the ground me her teeth clamped around my neck in less than a second. I made no move to challenge her and willingly submitted I knew this would happen the moment I said what I did.

The door burst open and Viviana strode out of the room. "Release her." Viviana's power washed over us and I felt I had been struck by lightning. The air quaked with the amount of force she emitted. Above me Andrea shuddered and she shifted back into her human form unable to hold her wolf under the impact of Viviana's command. Andrea was pinned down by the weight of Viviana's power that continued to race around us like a tropical storm. Carefully I slid out from beneath Andrea and slowly made my way forward carefully keeping my eyes down and my neck visible. When I was close enough Viviana's hands closed around my shoulders and she pulled me to her. "Are you alright?" She asked tilting my head back looking at my neck. The power that leaked out of her voice made me shiver. It was truly easy to forget just how much power Viviana wielded, she rarely used it instead she found other ways to make people do as she wanted.
"I am fine. Worry about yourself you shouldn't be out of bed yet."
Viviana growled in response and tightened her grip on my shoulders. "It takes more than a toothpick to injure me besides you were being attack."
I wrapped my arms around Viviana and brought her head down to my chest against my heart. "I am fine. But you need to relax the entire building will crumble if you continue flaunting your power."
Viviana relaxed and the amount of power around us died. Andrea stood from her place on the ground and glowered at us. "Kye, is my Servari I have every right to attack her." Vivian pushed me behind her. Her skin rippled,the air around her shimmered and the entire building quaked.

"You have no right to mistreat the wolves under you. It is your job as a dominate wolf and as an Alpha to care for and protect those who you are responsible for. For you to even say such a thing, you have no right to carry your father's name."

Viviana had Andrea pressed against the opposite way and was holding her there by her throat. The wall behind Andrea groaned and I was afraid it would break. At Viviana's words Andrea's emotions went crazy. She wasn't the only one my wolf wanted to go belly up with all the power radiating around me, she also wanted to rip Viviana off Andrea, and I wanted to calm Viviana. Groaning I forced myself to move forward and wrap my arms around Viviana again. "She didn't mean it she was angry and was lashing out. I am fine, Viviana she has never hurt me. Now release her before you hurt someone."

Against me Viviana's muscles twitched but slowly she released Andrea and corralled her power.
There was a few minutes silence and relief before Viviana spun around and faced me her power leaking out again. "Kylie Louise Hudson as Epsilon of the United States I hereby release you from your orders to mate with Azarias. I also release you from your Servari oath to the Sigma of the NightShade pack. And unless I find reason not to when I leave I will claim you as my wolf and bring you back to my pack with me."

As Viviana's orders tore though me I felt my body go weak and inside my wolf howled. I would have collapsed if Viviana hadn't been supporting me. I had never heard of anyone being able to release a wolf from their Servari vow before in a way I didn't believe it was even possible but I could tell it was. My link to Andrea had forcibly disappeared with Viviana's order.

When she finished Viviana swept me up and carried me back to the infirmary room. As she did I noticed for the first time the hallways were packed with wolves all watching us with varying degrees of shock on their faces.

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