East Coast Tragic

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(Stassie's POV)
"NO ITS FINE" my mom relplied.
This hurricane is probably the worst I've seen. So many people lost they're family from this. I can't imagine what they are going through. On the weekends me,my mom, and my dad goes to the shelter to help out. And it seems like this hurricane will last forever, everyday and every second it seems like the wind and rain is getting stronger and stronger. Let's just hope that it won't affect my family.
"Stassie,your father and I have to go to target and other places to pick up something we'll be back in about 3 hours" my mom tells me.
"Ok, be careful call me if you need anything"
I heard the front door close, I hope they come back safely.
Mean while I go upstairs to my room to take a shower. After my "9" hour shower I get to put on some clothes and dry my hair. I decided to wear a sweatpants that my school gave me and a long sleeved shirt. I go on my phone to see that I got 8 missed call from a unknown number 3 minutes ago. I started to worry, what if that was my parents. My phone  goes off again and this time I pick up.
"Hello, who is this?"
"Hi, is this Stassie Annastasia?"
"Yes,who is this"
"Um we're calling you from the Darien hospital to let you know that your loved one got into a car crash"
My heart dropped. My mom and dad, my life ,my supporter got into a car accident.
I heard her stutter and talking to someone
" uhh um I'm sorry"
"The-y passed away just now, I'm so sorry"
My heart sunk. Who will I look up to, who will call my mom and dad. I just wanted to be with them right now, this moment.
" I'm very sorry for your lost"
She hung up.
I called a taxi to take me to the hospital.
I wore a jacket took my phone and my wallet
I went outside to see the taxi.
I opened the door.
"Aren't you too young " the taxi driver said
"No I'm not too young my parents are in the hospital dead, yet my age matters to you?"
I was really aggravated.
After 20 minutes we arrive at the hospital
I threw the guy twenty dollars and ran out of the car to the hospital itself.
I ask the nurse where Macy and Joseph Annastasia is.
She seemed to know what happened and took me to the room.
I see my mom and dad laying on the bed,looking lifeless . They loved each other so much .
I drop on to the floor crying.
Since I was in the entrance of the room someone tapped one me to ask if I was ok.
"Are you ok?"
But I was too upset about what happened.
"Wait aren't you Jack's mom- and no I not ok m-my parents just passed.
"Oh sweety come here"
I stand up to give her a hug.
"It will be alright, your parents raised you well.
"Thank you "
"What your name?" She asked
"M-my names Stassie Annastasia "
"Wow that's a beautiful name"
"Thank you " I say kinda smiling
"Can I get your phone number " she asked me
"Yeah sure it's xxx-xxx-xxxx (let's say that's a number)"
"Thank you , but remember you'll be alright your a strong girl"
"Thank you so much it means a lot"
She gives me a hug and walks away.
I go to my parents side between the two beds holding they're hand.
"Mom, I love you so so much and you know that. You will always be my role model . And I sorry for all the problems I've ever caused. I'm sorry when I was rude to you, I regret it so much. You kept up with me, you raised me and loved me, you taught me to be kind and sweet. Thank you for that. I-i love you so much "
I took a deep breath in and felt the hot tears streaming down my face. To my cheeks to my nose and to my lips.
My mom and I almost died when she was giving birth to me. She went through such physical and mental pain just because of me.
"Dad, we have so much memories. Remember when we went on a boat when I was 7 and you grabbed me and acted like you were going to throw me into the water? I was terrified. I am so sorry for giving you such hard times. I never meant to. I was stupid. You mean so much to me and you know that. I will always be your daddy's little girl, no matter how old I am. You and mom will always have a special place in my heart."
I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out. At least they're in a better place and they don't need to deal with all of this mess
"Mom and Dad, I will always remember you,I will always cherish the great memories we had, I will always be greatful for all the great opportunities I had as your daughter. Please remember you guys are the ones that allowed me to feel love, happiness, pain, and sadness. And that's what made into a better person.i wish I could've been a better daughther. I love you guys more then you love me, you guys will always be remembered and loved. Thank you for everything, just everything. I hope that you see me become a great person like you guys. I love you."
I literally couldn't handle this anymore. I can't imagine the pain they went through because of me. So it's true, you never appreciate life and family and all the things you love more until it's all gone.
I never thought this would happen. I'm only 13 and I recently became 13. Now I have to live the rest of my life without them.
I stand up to hug my dad and give him a kiss then my lovely mother and give her a kiss too.
I stand up to get out of the room and see Jack Gilinsky standing in the middle of door, looking sad.
"Um hi?" I ask confused
Even though I love him and jj I just didn't feel the need to freak out,
"Aren't you Stassie, @ (username)?"
"Yeah I am.. H-how do you know?"
"Because I stalk your account everyday" he said chuckling
"Oh, well I'm sorry you had to see that"
"No,no , you really love them"
"Yeah I do"
"Well I kind of have to go" I said to him
"Don't you need ride?"
"Oh yeah,  i do"
"Me and my mom will take you home"
"Thank you " I reply

authors note)
Ooookayyy I might and might have not kinda teared up writing this chapter because I absolutely love my family....
Do me a favor and tell your family individually how much you love and appreciate them. :) ok bye💖
Nov/12/15 (I put the date in so you know I'm new and not an inactive writer)

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