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It was dark. The same darkness she was imprisoned in. But only this time, it felt different.

She felt cold air brush her face over and over again. In a slow and weak rhythm.

Its my breath, she thought. She tried to touch her face but her hands wouldn't obey her. Soon she realized her whole body felt heavy and weak so she tried to listen around instead. She thought, in a distance, she heard heavy raindrops and splashing of water. Shivering at every cold raindrop that fell on her body.

'it's raining...I'm cold. Where am I?' she thought to herself. Due to the cold, she forced to move her knees up but resulted in pain. She cringed.

'it hurts! My legs hurts! But..but why? How?.. What happened to me? wait... I was running from something...or someone. And they're chasing me then.. I fell.

Did I?

Ugh, I can't remember!
...something's not right. I got a bad feeling. I need to wake up. Hurry, wake up! WAKE UP!'

Cough. Cough. Her eyes shot open. Feeling relive after she finally managed to regain control of all her senses.
Although her whole body felt numb, she forced herself into a sitting position. Her eyes scanned the surroundings. Swallowing every details into her cloudy head.

She thought that she appeared to be in a deserted alleyway, out in the pouring rain. She was also sitting on a stack of soaking cupboards. A big black trash bin was laying beside her swollen ankle, perhaps twisted.

The only explanation that popped into her mind was; maybe she knocked into the bin and tripped then fell on these cupboards.

Awkwardly but true enough, she realised she was in a nightgown. a cream thick silk nightgown with floral laces on top and bottom. It clung down her body till it reaches her knees, leaving her shoulders bare. Only that the pretty thing was dirty and torn.

Then she discovered, not only her ankle, but her body suffered from several other cuts and bruises, all over. And not only that, there's a big bump on the left corner of her forehead.

Despite all this, her mind failed to recall any memory of what happened last night or from any other days before.

suddenly, Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps coming. She instantly turned towards the direction of the sound. Her heart started racing.

Whatever it was, it was close. By the sound of it, its not just a person. Probably a couple. And instead of walking, she could hear they were rushing near.

Her heart hammering against her chest. There was something not quite right. NO! Everything was not right. Her body wanted to spring away but she kept herself stay firmly where she was, staring anxiously at the other end of the alleyway. Maybe it was just her, she shook her head, holding in her newfound fear that came out without solid reason. Maybe she was just being paranoid. Maybe.

The footsteps grew louder

And louder

Approaching her closer

and closer

Then It stopped.

She heard a strong kick, then saw another trash bin flew across at the end of the alley.

her instincts kicked in and she let her legs carry her away. Away from there, away from anything that's making her scared.


She heard a man's shout. Enduring the pain in her right ankle, she turned to a corner, nearly sliding as she grabbed hold of a building to make a sharp turn.

Before she completely disappear from the alleyway, her eyes momentarily caught a figure of a tall and muscular man rushing up at the other end of the alleyway. He must have spotted her too because just as she was about to make another turn, she heard the man shouted again. Which only confirms her fears.


Over the rain,she heard another strong kick and a loud bang. It must be the dust bin that she fell over earlier. But that means she was still not far from where she left. In other words, they would catch up on her in no time!

'But with this leg I can't run.'

She frantically look around for something, anything that could possibly help her. But there was nothing but an empty alleyway

'please. Someone. Anyone. Help me'





As Long As You Remember (A Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now