1. Make Up Besties

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Kezia on the side 》

--Kezzy's POV--

"Marshal, hey wait!"
I scream, letting out a frustration, while keep running to get him. why wouldn't he want to listen, I don't think I've done something that worse to him. well, actually I kind of am.

Of course you are.

urgh, shut up conscience. well, maybe I was just being a little harsh on him. what can say? we used to be such a cool friend and he suddenly likes me. that just didn't make sense.

So yeah, one day I met him on Xavier. its a tutor course for students who don't understand some subject in school. If you expecting our friendship will be like a clichés childhood friendship, or a boy next door, well let me tell you that it's not. Because I just knew him since my Sophomore year and he was from another Senior High School than mine, or should I called it our rival school.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. I lived in a little town, it has lots of school but the most prestige and favorite high school was only two, my school, The Alexandria High School and his school, The Lazuardi. And yeah by little town I mean, where everyone's know everyone's, or not. for a people like me who only had like 800 cc braincells even lower than a homo sapiens, I barely know him and everyone. Heck, I didn't even know half of population in my own school, so why would I know him right? sometimes I wonder why would someone like me had an A straights in all of the subject. some people called me 'smart' or whatever, but I didn't think so myself.

Well now back to the story, we met, start knowing each other, and turns out he have the same liking on things. And I know that he was so cool. Just like me, the difference is just that he was a boy and I was a girl. Then we talk, texting, laughing together doing what friends do, I guess, and even we were joined some kind of english competition together. That just show how close we were.

Yup, were.
Until one day, out of the blue, he confess he's undying love for me. Nah, kidding it's not undying or something like that, more like crush on me. But what can I say? we're friends, he's cool and I don't wanna ruin that.

So I say to him that i can't accept that, and I even say that maybe we have to stay away from each other for a while. and he suddenly get all sensitive and offended by that. Well, why did he get offended? I'm just stating the truth about what I want. What do you think guys? what do you think? i was right, right? ...riteeeee?

No that's not right, because that harsh.

How could that be harsh brain? tell me!

'You definitely just reject him, and said something like that how could he did not get offended?'

Ugh, okay you're just dumb like him. brain. I hate you.

'hate is a strong word..'

I don't care! huh, my brain really infuriating me a lot.

"What do you want?" he said with sigh, he didn't even looking at me!

"I uh... I want to... mm I want to apologize." damn, why am I suddenly stutter like this.

'because you're afraid.' Maybe my brain was right, I've never had a friends before. well, actually I do have, a lot in my school, course, and everywhere but their not my real friends. Their like relations.

'Whoa, relations, what a word you got there.'

Shut up brain!

It's not that I hate friends or socialize, no it's just that friends are annoying me so much. If their not annoying, their act like all nice but bad mouthing you behind your back. That's why, I hate friends. but, I do nice to my relations and not faking it. Just, nice, but didn't wanna go futher than acquaintance. so yeah, Marshal is the only one I consider as a friend. that's why I valued him a lot.

"You what?" he said with a shock expression.

Didn't you hear me? ugh.

"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry for rejected you, I'm sorry for doing such a bad things to you, I'm sorry for ruined our friendship. I'm sorry for everything." I say and letting out my breath. I didn't realise that I've been holding on my breath ever since i talked to him.

however, I finally said that. I finally apologize to him. I'm not a coward! see? I'm not a coward yayyy!

#Imnocoward #Immabraveperson #Havecourageandbekind #DidIjustquoteCinderella #Shutup #thisisnot #Twitter

I happen to read a quote it say "Cowards die many times before their deaths." So yeah, I do apologize to him and that admit that I'm not a coward. High five to myself!

"Yes, you do bad things to me. That's right. You hurt me a lot by said that. I feel all miserable everyday. I feel that I was wrong and I'm not supposed to told you how I feel about you. But I couldn't just keep it my self. And most of all, you said we should keep away from each other. that's what hurt me the most. You shouldn't said that. Just because I told you what I feel about you doesn't mean we should keep our distance away from each other." he said as the matter-of-fact with a disappointed look on his face, and finally looking at me.

Oh my god, this is not good. What should I do now?

And then suddenly he said "But no, you shouldn't feel sorry, I should've. You didn't ruin our friendship, I did. I know how clueless you are about feelings and people around you. So you shouldn't be the one who said sorry. I'm sorry, K." his expression got softened, and smile.

I breath out relief. I can't believe what he said. I should be the one who took all the blame.

"So does that mean that we're cool, now?" I said with a big grin on my face.

"Yup, we are." he said with a genuine smile.

"So, you're no longer mad at me?"

"I've never really mad at you, it's more like I mad to my self. anyway, who can stay mad at you?" he smirk.

I shrug "Well, there's always first time for everything."

"So you want me to stay mad at you, then?"

"No! of course not." I said with a wink a pleaded eye. You might be wondering how to do it, but I just did.

"Good. All for one?" he said with pointing his forefinger in front of me.

"And one for all!" I said while pointing my forefinger with his too. It's like our forefinger intertwined or something.

"Wait, did you just quoted Barbie and The Three Musketeers?" I asked him while furrowed one of my eyebrows.

He just nodded with a smirk on his face.

"You're weird, Shal!"

barbie? really? omg, he's impossible! I really doubted that his a guy. All I know that guy hate such a mushy-mushy movie. But he's sure something else. not that I hate Barbie or something though, because I do love it.

"Tell me something I don't know". he said with shrugged and still smirking.

And then we laughed together, just like the old times. God! I really miss a moment like this!

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