2. The Golden Boy

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Zachary on the side 》

-Kezzy's POV-

"And then, their like, omg there's a bee! and they keep saying like "I'm bitter! I'm bitter! shoosh.. Bee go away!" I mean like, really? are they idiots or something? where's the correlation between they bitter and the innocent Bee? it's not like the Bee would go away because their saying that, right?" I said with a lot of excitement in my face.

"Seriously? that's ridiculous!" he said with an unbelievable look on his face.

"told you? right? gosh..." I said while keep laughing and he did too, as hard as me.

We're now sitting on Xavier's lobby. around us, there's a lot of people who chating, studying, even some of them doing crazy move while handstanding. I don't understand. this should be a tutor place, not a park. but I'll be such a hypocrite if I say this place should be a place to just studying because now, I'm laughing like a mad person with my best friend.

Actually, this place is a little bit pricey if you compare to another tutor course. It because this place serving the best quality and teacher, and most of the students here is the students from my school and Lazuardi. so yeah, got that right. Suddenly, the person that sit next to us talking about Zachary Leonard, The Golden Boy of Lazuardi, they say.

"You know what, I heard that he graduated with the best grades from his middle school. He said that he didn't even expecting that. he said that he just do the test, just like the others. because in his old school there were a genius person like him too, but it turns out that he's the number one. omg! he's so modest and not to forget that he's hot. how could be someone being so perfect like that?" the girl say with drooling with her friends.

Oh, so the Zachy boy is a genius, well I kind of know by just looking at him. he look like a nerd to me.

You know? nerd that wearing glasses, but this one just got the look. He has a brown hair, tall and toned body that would make every girls drool, except me, of course. It's not that I didn't like a toned body like he had, it just that I'm fine with it. I mean not so amazed by that or something. And not to mention that he has an attractive smile, or smirk. I don't know they just look the same on him.

"Oh it's Zach! do you know him?" Marshal asked me with a question look on his face. oh, so his looking at him too.

"Yeah, kind of. but he didn't know me, tho."

"What? there's no way that he didn't know you. You're like, this famous. I doubt that there's someone who doesn't know you." he said while quoting with raising both of his hand in the air.

"I think you're delusional Shal, there's no way everyone's know me like you said. I bet he don't." I said with imitating him by quoting my hand like him in the air.

"You just didn't know". he said sighing, with an I don't know how to describe the look on his face.

"By the way, I heard that he just broke up with his girlfriend. I don't understand. his girlfriend or should I say ex-girlfriend is gorgeous. why would he broke up with her?" he asked but more like mumbling to himself.

"Well I don't know. I barely know him, and you asking me how could he broke up with his girlfriend, I don't even know who his girlfriend was." I said flatly.

"Yeah I forgot that his ex was on my school. no need to be grumpy about that."

"I am not."

"You are."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!" before he could talk again, I quickly say "Just get shut it, Shal. You just like to teasing me."

He smirk, and says "Now you know."

Jeez, I want to rip that smirk away from him.

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