Family Meetings

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*Derek's POV*

I sped through the forest, following my mothers call. Wondering what they could want this time. My family had a lot of 'meetings' and it was mostly just an excuse for my parents to lecture me about becoming the next alpha. 

My father was the strongest alphas around. He's what helped us keep our land to ourselves and other packs out. There were about 20 of us werewolves altogether. I was the first and only one from us to fo to school. It was an experiment suggested by my mother, wanting me to be as good as an alpha as dad. The thing is, II don't know if I can ever live up to any of their expectations. 

Being Alpha meant the world to me and I wanted to be a good leader but school just seemed utterly pointless to me. Yes, knowledge is power and all of that stuff they tell us but I'm never going to get a proper job and I'm only ever going to need to know how to look after and protect my pack. 

I reached the clearing where my parents were standing, in human form. I changed back, panting lightly. 

"You wanted something?" I asked, remembering to bow my head before talking, out of respect. 

"Son..." My father started, his face glowing, my other hanging off of his arm with the same glowing look on her face.

"What's going on? Mum, dad?" I was confused, I hadn't seen this happy in a longtime. 

"We have some news for you Derek." My mother spoke softly, her voice with a singsong melody in it.

"We have found you a mate." My father presented the news calmly and they both watched my expression as I stood there, trying to process what my father had just told me. 

"Well say something then." My father said, exasperated, "Don't just stand there like a fool with your mouth hanging open, catching flies." 

Oh great. He was never in as good a mood as this; I should have known that it was never going to last long. 

"I'm sorry father, It's just a shock, that's all."

"A shock? You can't tell me you didn't see this coming? Don't be ridiculous Derek."

"Don't I at least get a say in who I marry. I'm going to be stuck with that person for the rest of my life, after all."

"What do you think this is? A game, because-" 

"I don't think it's a joke but I'm sure hoping it is because this sounds like a twisted dream."

"Son, you are almost old enough now-" My mother was trying to fix things, but was just making them worse.

"Yes, almost old enough to make decisions for myself don't you think?"

"Honey, don't be like this."

"Don't be like what? Like an ordinary person who is just wanting to have the freedom to choose who they are going to be bonded together for the rest of their life. I can totally see how I'm being so awkward and outrageous about this."

"That's enough! You will not say another word Derek-"


"NOT ANOTHER WORD. Understood?" There was a deadly tone to my fathers voice now and I knew that I had to be quiet if I wanted to leave this argument in one piece,

"The reason we are choosing your bride is so that we can find one suitable for you. In order for us to maintain a strong pack defense and suitable offspring is by finding you the right mate. When you marry this girl, our packs will form an alliance. Do you get it now?"

He meant it as a 'just-nod-your-head-and-agree' question but I wasn't done with my protest.

"So this is all for your own benefit."

"Of course not, honey." 

"How not, mother? You talk about this as if it's all about survival and strategy; not even regarding my feelings or opinions."

"That's because you have no opinion. You will go through this marriage whether you like it or not."

And that was the end of that. 

After that we headed home. You didn't think we lived here did you? Our pack lived in the houses surrounding this forest. This was just a meeting place for the adults and a playground for the cubs. Of course we couldn't live in the forest, there were constantly rumours going around about werewolves as it was. We would be giving ourselves in if we lived here, there were enough curious photographers, willing to be prowling at any hour of the night or early morning, just to snap a shot. 

As my dad was the alpha, out house was in the heart of the forest, out of the reach of the human eye. It would take a good few minuted to reach it from the center but thanks to our ability to turn into wolves, and our vast knowledge of the forest, we were able to get in and out a good few times quicker.

When we arrived home, I went straight upstairs to my room and sat in my room, my pens and paper scattered all over the desk in front of me, designs and intricate patterns fanning over them. I had stuck drawings to the rafters (my bedroom is in the attic) and hung up trinkets and dream catchers to add more interest to the room. The only furniture was a small desk, a chair, my bed, a lamp and a cupboard for my clothes. 

My dad called up to me to get my things ready for school the next day. Of course I didn't straight away. I was still outraged about this so called 'marriage' that I was being forced into. I didn't even know this girl. What if I didn't even like her? What if she didn't even like me? Most people don't. 

One thing is for certain. I'm going to be forced into this whether I like it or not. And as much as I hoped and prayed, there was nothing I could do. And that was my parents for you. Tribe and reputation before your young. Before your family. 

And with that, I started to cram my things into my schoolbag, muttering under my breath at the inconvenience and my anger at my parents.

Well, I sure hope you all liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. It sure feels nice to update. Please make sure to like and maybe leave a comment? The next chapter will hopefully be coming soon, and who knows, maybe this one will be written by Lisacutehippie!



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