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Hey! It's @A_Dawson here and i just wanted to say that me and Lisa both edit each others parts so although we both write separately, we both edit the other persons so the different chapters wont be too drastically different.  

The cool wind nipped at my bare skin, the sun was barely visible but there was a warm buzz in the air. I sighed, remembering that this was my last day of freedom before the new school year; my last chance to be free in a very long time.

I dug the heels of my hunter boots into the fresh, moist earth. I didn't care about getting grass stains on my black jeans or the sweat stains on my t-shirt from my morning run. I sat there, catching my breath with the fresh scent of pine filling my lungs with each breath. The sound of the stream was soothing as it gushed over small pebbles and rippled down the curved slopes of the uneven forest floor.

I sat there, just relaxing, until I decided to have some fun. I got up, not before automatically brushing off my jeans, and turned towards the heart of the forest. I began slowly and then picked up my pace and I ran, weaving through the trees, catching glimpses of my childhood flashbacks.

I was brought up in these very woods and knew all the best hunting places, the best rivers to catch Dace, every marked tree and every scent. These woods were my home, my playground and my safe sanction. They still party are, but not as much so.

As I ran, I could feel the change inside me. I could feel the pin pricks all over my body but I was used to it by now; I had learned how to control the pain. It's like pins and needles, you just need to grit your teeth and bear through it.

Changing wasn't a quick process, which was a negative most of the time because it was also a painful change to grow through. But then again, it was also a positive as it could be as unexpected and awkward as puberty, and the last thing anyone would want would be to change in a crowded room full of people; especially with all the tales being thrown around and the rumours that flew around school as fast as flu. They were the things that I absolutely adored about being in High School. Note the sarcasm.

I was almost fully changed and could feel myself shrinking and my front paws hit the leaf covered floor. I slowed for a moment, getting used to my new body. It was like wearing old clothes that have just been washed but somehow they have changed. My skin felt different and I was warmer then I had been in human state and it was weird not having fingers or being able to stand up straight, but then again, it all just felt so natural at the same time. It was like nature was puzzled at quite what she wanted me to be.

I carried on running, feeling free and relaxed. I decided to go and laze by the stream one last time before I had to return to hell disguised as an institution for teaching children. I think you can now begin to grasp my hatred for that place.

I made my way through the forest and, like always, I did not call my siblings like they called each other to play. I preferred being alone. I guess that's why my father thinks I would make such a great Alpha. But as if I care about any of that.

He doesn't believe in school or trying to even act human. None of them do. They think that them calling me tame and scorning me will make me change my mind but no, I will not be forced to give up my education and spend my days prowling around a forest for no reason and waste my life away. They call it a lifelong vacation and yes, I would happily take one of those if it did not mean me going from a place I hate to a place I detest.

I do not enjoy being with my family, not one bit, and if I had to choose between me being stuck with them every day and every night for probably the rest of my life, or me taking summer school for the rest of my life, I would probably choose the latter. And you already know how much I already hate school.

I lay down on the grassy bank, my paws crossed in front of me and my hind legs lay at an angle. I don't know how long I was lying there before an unfamiliar scent reached my nose. It was a bitter sweet scent, and it wasn't like anything I had ever smelt before.

I got up and took a few cautious steps towards the edge of a clump of trees close to my previous resting place. I was spooked to say in the least in it was my natural instinct to be even more cautious then I would normally be in human form. Especially as I could smell the thing coming.

It definitely wasn't a regular forest animal because I knew their scents by now. No, this was something different. Something possibly dangerous. Then, out of nowhere, the smell went away; just completely vanished. Now I was even more on edge. I decided to go and have a drink to clear my head and maybe allow me to pick up the scent again.

I quickly picked my way over to the stream and bowed my head. I guess I didn't hear the footsteps or maybe I was too busy looking into my own amber eyes in curiosity, but I didn't hear or see him come, and all of a sudden he was there. I saw his reflection first; it was almost comical, the way surprise was written all over his face; from his raised eyebrows to the comical 'o' of his mouth.

At first I was frozen to the spot. I don't think he knew that I had seen him. Slowly, cautiously, I turned around and faced him. His earth brown eyes were staring right into my amber ones. Small flecks of sunlight danced in front of his pupils and I was mesmerised for a moment and all I could do was stare. I saw his eyes travel to my markings where I had tattoos in human form, he shifted and I bared my teeth, afraid for him to come closer. He looked scared and so I backed away, closer to the stream. I saw him back away also and was slightly relieved; maybe we could both just back away and forget this? Not a chance. But maybe we could still just have that mutual goodbye.

I was about to stop and then, out of nowhere, there was a sound like a gunshot that rang throughout the small glade of trees that enclosed this part of the stream. I ran for my life and left the sound of the boy calling me back in the distance. All I wanted to do was to get away and forget about the boy with the chocolate brown eyes.

I reached my familiar safe haven and reminded myself that he couldn't possibly know what I was. That was the last thought that crossed my mind before I heard my sister calling for me.

I Saw It In Your EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang