Untitled Part 3

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Written by Lisa

Stiles pov


*Beep Beep*

My alarm clock buzzed signaling me to wake up. Today was my first day at that dreadful school in this crappy town .I can't believe I gave everything up for this . I dragged myself out of bed and took slow sluggish step towards the bathroom . I got out of my boxers and got into the shower , Where I spent a few motionless minutes glaring at the shower door as the hot water ran down my back . After my shower I got dressed into a pair of black ripped jeans , a grey V-neck shirt and my black leather jacket .I put on my black Mike's but then I decided that I look like a snob so I put on a pair of black hunting boots instead . I jogged down the stairs to be greeted by a range of boxes . Crap I totally forgot that we hadn't finished packing yet.

"Stiles , There's left over pizza on the counter,you can have that for breakfast. I can't really make you anything."

I heard my mom call from the side of the house.

I walked to the pizza and open the box and took a slice out . I took a bit out only to spit it out again it turns out that olives can't move.

My mom walking into the kitchen in her yoga cloths .She walked over and handed me a five dollar bill.

I kissed her cheek and then grabbed my backpack and made my out the door .


We were thirty-five minutes into our second lesson and everyone was giving me creepy weird looks . Damn being the new guy sucked . Just when I was about to start my new day dream . The door opened and a talk ,lean and muscular male with dark brown hair entered the room . He walked to the back of the class and took a seat.

"Derek , your late ......again ." The teacher said irritated

"Ummmm don't you think I know that or are you just gonna waste my time stating the obvious."

He replied In a slow deep calm voice .

He didn't look at anything or anybody else except for me .I hope he didn't think I was weird or anything like that he seemed pretty cool and I wanted him to think I was a cool too.

I tried to concentrate on the math's sums in front of me but it was really hard because he keep on looking at me . His glare was so strong , it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes and it looked like he could see into my soul.Maybe this town doesn't suck that much anymore.


_I loved writing that chapter hope you guys love reading it _

Might write more soon

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