"C'mon, I'll take you somewhere else to watch the stars." Megan leaves a hundred dollar bill on the table and leaves.

"You paid just a little too much for that meal." I say as she drags me out of the burger joint.

"I like tipping large amounts sometimes." She smiles and continues to drag me out.

We reach Megan's car and once both of us are in, Megan starts the car. Megan makes a left, a right, a left and more turns that I've lost track. I can't make out where she's going so I give up trying to figure it all out. Instead, I decide to play with her radio. I press buttons hoping that it'll find its way to a good station. As I press the buttons a couple more times, it lands on one station playing my favourite song. The radio blasts the chorus to Tori Kelly's "I Was Made for Loving You". Listening to the lyrics fill my eyes with tears once again. I look out the passenger window and try to hide my tears from Megan.


"Sam, we're here." I snap out of my daydreams and I turn to Megan.

"Where are we?" I say as I wipe the tears away from my eyes.

"Welcome to my humble abode." She smiles at me. She turns off the car engine and exits the car. She quickly runs over to the passenger side and opens the door for me.

"What a gentlewoman." Megan holds out her hand to help me out of the car and I take it.

As soon as I'm out of the car, she locks the car doors and we make it to the front doors of Megan's apartment complex. I've never been to Megan's apartment before. This is actually the first time in a long time since I've seen her for more than five minutes. We've all just been so busy. I've been off finishing university and Megan has been who knows where?

We make our way to the elevator and Megan presses the button for the fifth and final floor. It's only us in the elevator. None of us say a word as the elevator slowly makes its way up to the top of the apartment complex; a ding on each floor is the only sound we hear. On the fourth floor, another resident joins us in the elevator. It's an elderly lady with grey hair. She uses a cane to walk. As she walks in she comments on our dresses saying, "What beautiful dresses you two girls wear. What's the special occasion?"

Megan smiles at the elderly lady and answers, "A wedding, ma'am."

"Was it your wedding?" The elderly lady asks and pushes the button to the ground floor.

"It was a friend of ours." Just then, Megan takes my hand and continues to speak, "Ours is coming up soon." Megan smiles at me and a rush of electricity rushes through my veins.

"Ah, that's beautiful. You are both so beautiful. Treat her right, young lady." She says to me.

Finally, we reach the fifth floor and we step off the elevator, leaving the adorable elderly lady alone. Megan lets go of my hand and I feel like something is missing all of a sudden. I think no more of it though as I follow Megan through the long hallway. We reach Megan's apartment and I grab her hand before she walks inside.

"Megan, why did you tell the old lady that we were together?" I ask her.

"I just wanted to see how she would react." I drop her hand and I follow her inside.

"So, how are we going to watch the stars from your apartment?"

"There is a reason as to why I chose to live on the top floor."

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