Chapter 26: Worrying Faces and Plenty of Pranks

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Humming on my left. It grew louder as my consciousness returned. A familiar tune, a familiar voice. My ears popped, and my eyes snapped open to slowly take in the world around me.

The dim lights of the familiar hospital wing looked a bit bright to my adjusting eyes. I looked around the room, and saw a vial of sickly green liquid stuff on the table beside my bed on the right. I really hope that's not for me to drink.

I let out a small sigh and the humming abruptly stopped.

"Rose? Are you awake?"

I turn my slightly pounding head to the voice beside me. Fred. He looks intensely worried, which is insanely cute.

I send a very confused look at Fred and ask, "What happened?"

"You fell out of the carriage on our way to the doors, and your ankle is a bit... Well ah... You can probably see that for yourself."

Fred lifts up the sheet a bit at my feet and we both wince at my right foot that is turned at a VERY unnatural angle.

"How come I don't feel anything?" I ask, my voice a bit rough from sleep.

Fred brings the sheet back down to cover my foot and wrings his hands. "Madame Pomfrey gave you a potion to numb your body. You've been out only an hour and forty six minutes."

My glasses fogged as my face heated up for what seemed the hundredth time at Fred. He counted the minutes that I had been unconscious, and waited the entire time. What a romantic.

I decided worrying was an adorable expression, and maybe I could hold this off a bit longer. The devil on my shoulder spoke up and I listened closely.

"So, um..." I spoke up with fake nervousness. "Should I know you... Or are you just a nurse or something?"

I suppressed a smirk as his mouth slowly fell agape. I had totally convinced him my memory had been wiped clean.

Fred looked completely lost and very strung out.

It was INSANELY hard to not burst out laughing as his face hit my bed, and he yelled nonsense words in a very upset manner. His hands were by his head and were clenched in fists.

The sputtering of words came to a slow, and he brought his body back up to a sitting position. His hands came up to cover his face and I was still attempting to keep a confused expression plastered on.

What I did not expect was for Fred to begin to cry. His shoulders began to shake slightly and my façade dropped immediately.

"FRED!" I yelled. "Fred I'm kidding I'm so sorry I was just trying to trick you I didn't realize that this would evoke that reaction! I'm so sorry!"

Fred looked between his fingers and a smile grew on his face. My face fell. He grinned wider.

Fred laughed and buckled over at the waist with giggles.

I sent him my best glare and he sat up again and wiped the corners of his eyes. "You can't fool the Pranking King!"

I groaned very un-lady-like (mum would be proud) and sunk under the sheets. If I were to have guessed which one of us would be the distressed one at the end of this prank, I definitely did not see it turning out this way.

Secret Admirer: A Fred Weasley Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat