Chapter 11: Cinnamon

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A vaguely familiar cinnamon smell welcomed me when I awoke. I recalled falling asleep to it, but there was somewhere else I had smelled it...

I let my mind wander a bit before I opened my eyes. I realized I was still on the train, and everyone around me had fallen asleep while I was unconscious.

Great friends I have.

I pushed my octagonal glasses up my face, and brushed my dark brown bangs away from my eyes. The ends started to curl slightly, and I sighed, too lazy to straighten them with a spell.

George stirred ahead of me, stealing my attention to the other side of the compartment. He was leaning up against the window, his face against the cool glass, and Iris was leaning on Lee's shoulder, who had an arm over her protectively.

George slowly opened his eyes and grinned when he saw I was awake. He eyed my position and smirked. I didn't realize until then that my head was on Fred's chest, and I sat curled up next to him. Fred had his arm resting on my waist, rising and falling softly along with his chest to the rhythm of his breathing.

I took a glare at George's smirk and then stayed still, hoping not to wake Fred. I laid on him while George just watched and yawned. He eventually closed his eyes again, and I stared out the window.

The scenery flashed by like an old fashioned muggle movie on the other side of the glass. Hill after hill, slowly melding into villages, and then more empty land. The terrain pattern continued, and my eyelids began to weigh a million pounds. I rested my gaze for just a moment...

Hands moved around my waist to take a tighter hold, and I jerked awake, suddenly aware that I had been sleeping, and someone was trying to pull me closer to them.

My eyes snapped open, and I was instantly completely out of my usual daze that came with waking up.

George, Lee, and Iris were in fits of silent laughter on the seat across from me, and I was trying to figure out what was happening. I looked over at Fred, and realized he was still asleep. His head was resting on mine, his arms wrapped around my waist, and his legs were planted on the floor.

I tried to move out of his grip on me, but his subconscious was determined to keep me close.

I lightly slapped his arm, and alas, still no movement. When my hand made contact with his skin, Iris accidentally let out a squeak of laughter, and Fred still didn't move. He was out.

I sighed, giving up, and slid further into his arms. George gave me a sly smirk. What was with those smiles he kept giving me? That goes for Ginny and Hermione as well... It was like they all knew some big secret they weren't going to tell me.

It was really frustrating.

I threw a few glares at my so-called friends, and if looks could kill, they'd all look like a pile of burnt ashes on the floor.

The Hogwarts Express finally came to a halt, and the train jerked slightly forward from the inertia. As if an invisible hand had shook Fred, he awoke, flustered and barely in his right mind.

He became even more flustered (I love that word) when he saw who he was trapping.

"Hi," I said meekly.

"Uh, sorry Rose. I'm so sorry, I- I don't- I don't know what I was doing," Fred stuttered out while untangling his limbs from mine. His face soon turned the shade of Ron's infamous maroon sweaters, and I matched his blush when Lee yelled.

"FREDDY AND ROSIE SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, FIRST COMES-" but oh what a shame, Lee's beautiful song was interrupted by my foot to his jaw.

"Ooh, someone's touchy about their loved ones," George taunted.

"I hate you guys!" I retorted as we heard the doors open. I stalked out of the compartment and into the crowded hallway of the train. I made my way to the door, and retrieved my belongings from the luggage cart.

I was heading for the wall, when I saw my mother standing at the exit in her business outfit. I turned directions, and as did my mood. I rushed towards the lady in the charcoal pencil skirt and blazer and engulfed her into a hug.

My mother smiled down at me with her perfect smile and shiny white teeth. She looked like the cover of a beauty magazine, her blonde perfect curls and hour glass figure a sharp contrast to my flat-chested scruffy appearance.

She pulled me into another hug, and said, "So bird, where are these friends of yours you keep telling me about?"

I looked around the station, and spotted the ginger family almost immediately.

"This way, Mum!" I called over the ruckus of joyous families. I dragged her through the crowd by her hand towards the Weasleys. Her smile widened when she saw the family I had brought her to.

"Now Ginny dear, get that chocolate off of your-" The lady I assumed to be Mrs. Weasley, paused mid-sentence when her eyes caught my mother's.

"Alice Stricker? Could it be?" The supposed Mrs. Weasley looked dumbstruck at my Mum.

"Oh, Molly Weasley! So you did end up marrying that Arthur bloke! I knew you would! How are you darling?" My mother rambled.

"Fine dear, fine," Mrs. Weasley replied with a grin growing each second. They just kind of stared at each other for a few unbearable moments of recognition.

Fred interrupted their get-together by holding his hand out in front of my Mum.

"Hi, I'm Fred Weasley, this is George, Ron, and Ginny, and not related to us are Harry and Hermione." He shook my Mum's hand, and she patted his head even though he was a good head taller than her.

Typical Mum. Putting people in their place as always.

Mrs. Weasley eventually came around to asking my mother to stay for dinner, which of course she declined out of her obsession with her job, and we were on our way.

Before we left however, my Mum whispered into my ear, "I think that twin likes you, doll." And pointed at Fred. She winked and Disapperated home.

"Let's get going children!" George yelled, breaking the awkward silence. We then took turns hand assisted Apparating by two, to their home, The Burrow, with Mrs. Weasley.

"Here we go!" Fred yelled as we were twisted and turned through time and space to the lopsided building of a home.

I grinned as I took in the sight, but not for long, as a garden gnome had waddled over and bit my ankle.

"Oh, ouch!" I exclaimed, kicking the gnome a few feet away, causing it to sputter and fester with anger. I grabbed my ankle and leaned on Fred's arm to inspect it.

"Ouch," I heard him comment at my injury. I looked up into his green and I brown eyes, and was about to reply when I became lost.

His mint chocolate eyes were mesmerizing and I couldn't remember where I was. I watched his red hair shift slightly with the wind, and studied the freckles that covered his face.

I never really noticed just how adorable he was.... The way his hair was carelessly tossed and messy, and yet it suited him perfectly. The way his eyes contrasted against all of his breathtaking features, standing out like an unharmed field of grass against enchanting wildfire. The perfect smattering of freckles and how they were more condensed near his nose and cheeks.

Suddenly I was back at the Burrow, holding onto Fred's arm. I looked down quickly when I saw he was returning the 'spaced-out' look I was probably just giving him.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and regained my balance. I began to walk towards the door of his house, rousing him from his blank state of mind.

Without letting go of his arm, we made our way to his house, a smile on each of our faces.

I should have let go of him... He deserves better than me.... Unless he likes me too....

Secret Admirer: A Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now