Alternative Ending

Start from the beginning

She didn't look at me, only at the ground frowning.

"Xavier I can't look at you, I get nightmares of that night." She said quietly.

"Anaïs we were just getting better, our life was fine. Yes Victoria tried to kill you but she was insane."

"You don't understand! She wasn't insane! I stole away her only love and she had to suffer as she watched us everyday in love while she was rejected into the shadows and it left her shattered. What would you do if I rejected you and loved someone else?" She asked me as she looked me in my eyes.

There was hurt, guilt and despair burning in her. I understood what she was talking about and what she felt. If I were in Victoria's shoes I would have done something drastic.

I pulled her closer to me, wanting to feel her warmth and her pain.

"The past is the past and we cannot change what we all have done. We can only learn and never make those mistakes again." I nuzzled my nose into her neck.

She relaxed a little.

"I love you so much, " She whispered into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you too." I smiled softly.

"Wait! I love mommy and daddy too!" I heard a beautiful little girl squeal.

We broke apart to see Rosalina holding a white daisy and smiling brightly up at us .

I picked her up.

"Rosy, wanna know who you can give that daisy to? Someone I knew who really loved daisies."

Anaïs gave me a knowing look and smiled sadly.


Cherry Hill Cemetery

"Daddy, what's a cemerary?" Rosalina asked.

"That says cemetery and it's where some people go to sleep forever." I explained in a simple way.

"I don't want to sleep forever." She buried her face into my chest. I chuckled as I held her close.

I slipped something into Rosalina's hand and she giggled.

"Just like we planned," I whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head as we walked through the gates of Cherry Hill. We weaved through rows and rows of graves until we stopped where Alphas, Luna's (even the ones that never had a chance to be) were buried.

We stopped at the tombstone engraved:

Daniel Lucas Astor

•beloved by all, will be missed dearly

"Put the flower right here baby," I instructed gently as I placed her on the ground.

"Whose sleeping here daddy?" she asked.

"Your uncle Daniel, I had a twin brother but something bad happened to him. Now he sleeps in his underground bed."

She nodded her head and bent down to place the flower on his grave.

"There you go uncle Danny, I hope you like the daisy," Rosalina whispered.

I glanced over at Anaïs. She had turned away, trying to conceal her sweet and sour tears. I grabbed her hand and began leading her to a special place with Rosy skipping along.

We walked to a giant cherry blossom tree planted here long ago. I sat her down under the beautiful blossoms and smiled.

"Daddy are you gonna do it?!" Rosalina asked excitedly.

Anaïs gave a puzzling look. "What is she talking about?"

I sighed and grabbed her hand.

"Anaïs you deserve happiness, not pain and I want to make sure that you are happy eternally for as long as I live. You're beautiful, strong and you care so much for the people you love. Love, your fight is over, it's time to be free." I nodded to Rosalina who giggled and walked up to her mother.

She held out her little hand with a ring, it was a gold ring encrusted with diamonds.

Her eyes went grew as I took the ring from Rosy and held it out to her.

"You've already made me the happiest wolf by accepting me as your mate, will you make me the happiest man by marrying me?" I asked nervously.

Tears began escaping her eyes so I reached over to wipe them off her delicate face.

"Yes." She said.

It felt as though fireworks were igniting in my heart. I placed the ring on her finger and she immediately attacked me into a hug.

"You don't have to be alone, just let me in and I promise you will never feel like that again." I smiled at her.

Her eyes twinkled as she leaned in for a kiss.

"I want a hug too!" Rosy squealed.

We chuckled and sat up to bring Rosalina into this bone crushing hug.

I would do anything to keep my girls safe.

Life dealt us hardships that we may never fully recover from but love can be the stitches over that wound and with it, we can learn to live again, the way we always dreamt was possible.


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