Dancing with stars in our eyes (part 1)

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*Three weeks later*
Dans POV

I woke up to a sweet warmth coming from my behind and a ray of sunshine filling me up from both sides. I rubbed my eyes gently and turned to see Phil's tall, skinny body wrapped around mine, he was asleep so I laid a kiss on his forehead and reached out to grab my phone of the table but quickly moved back into the position I was in, as Phil woke up.

"Good morning, bear" Phil said

"Good morning, my lion"

The silence of my sunlit room made it awkward in the mornings that we couldn't talk, but I never needed the sound I only needed him around me in the mornings to fill the gap between the silences. My dreams of the future of phan were always out of my reach and the fiction that I and many others create about us could never be as good as the real thing. The dreams I've had between us were unspeakable outside of my mind but inside my mind there was a war zone full of your love.

I started to zone out between thoughts and didn't notice Phil's arms turning me over to face him, he kissed my lips and I zoned back into reality. I curled my arms around Phil's body I front of me pulling him closer, inch by inch until our heads touched and our thoughts started to exchange though the gaps in the silences, though we were still silent Phil's smile said a thousand words. Phil had wounded me with his love, shot an arrow through my broken heart an mended it back together. I turned back to my phone to see the time had long past mid-day and my stomach rumbled for food.

"Should we get up, Phil?"

"Yeah we should, it's way past 12:30 and I haven't even had breakfast yet"

"Okay, let's get up"

I rubbed my chocolate brown eyes and walked over to the kitchen to find my cereal, it was mostly eaten by Phil's hunger and night snacking, so I didn't have much left for me.


"Yes, Dan"

"Why the fuck did you eat my cereal again?!"

" I was hungry and-"  Phil said before his word got cut off by my lips kissing his.

" You owe me Phil, you owe me one" I said suggestively


Phil started to blush as I kissed once again, passionately but sweetly. Maybe my dreams would come true, maybe my unspoken love would finally come out tonight, he knew what I meant and that's why he was blushing. He started to kiss back harder, moving his hands behind my back. A cold chill ran up my spine as his hands moved slowly up my shirt, we broke apart from the kiss and headed over to the couch.

~~Authors short note~~
If you really want to see smut in this then tell me but for now I really can't write smut because I'm not creative enough.

*few hours later*

Phil's sweet weary head had fallen on me once again as he laid his tired and worn out mind on my chest, his arms were wrapped around me and my hobbit hair was fully curled. He payed me back for the cereal, not in money but in pleasure, he gave me his effort and love and that was enough for me. Slowly got off the couch trying not to wake Phil up, I moved my arms around Phil trying to pick him up and move him over to his bed.

My head started to wonder off as I moved over to my computer, I was planing a dinner for tonight, a special one with just me and him. Ideas flowed through my brain, motivating my search to restaurants around our area. I wanted tonight to be special and after my needs were satisfied I booked a table at a restaurant, actually more like a whole entire room to our selfs but I was worth it. I walked quietly over to my draws to find my black and white button up shirt and a expensive black jacket, I laid them out on my bed and I was all ready to go for my dreams and have the night of my life.

Phil's POV
I woke up our grey couch beneath me, my back was sore and I was worn out from what happened before. I slowly picked myself up from the now dirty couch and walked over to the kitchen bench to the cereal boxes that were spilt after getting pushed back into them.

"Phil, are you awake?"


"Can you come here, I've got something a want to tell you"

I walked over to Dans bedroom, my heart beating faster with every step, it couldn't be anything sexual, I knew that for sure but something inside me felt like it was special, like something was going to happen tonight. As I opened the door his room my heart lit up min flames as I saw the suit laid out in front of me.

"What is it, Dan?"

"Well I wanted to do something special for you as you've done for me many times so I booked a room at a restaurant down the road"

As the words enter my love struck mind my body fills up in warmth and my arms wrap around his tall body, pulling us closer together.

"I'd love too"

The words flew out of my mouth and into his thoughts making his smile grow wider and his cheeks glow bright red. My eyes caught his and suddenly our lips collided in sweet and passionate surprise. As we broke apart all we were left with was each other, together in the middle of the room with the biggest smiles on our faces.

"We need to get ready,  I booked it for 8:30pm"

"Okay, babe"

I unhooked my arms from around him and moved into my own room to find a lovely black vest and my black and blue shirt to go with it. I needed to shower as I was dirty and coved in "love".

*A few minutes later*

After a while of getting ready I was done, I had never felt so excited for something, my heart was beating out of me as I finished up with my bow tie and a small red rose in my jacket pocket.

Hello my smol trashes,
I hope you enjoyed this mini chapter and I'm so sorry it took so long to finally come out. I'm also sorry for my friends who published it by accident twice *facepalm*.
The one question I want to know is, do you want a smut chapter or not as I've got ideas for smut but I really don't know if you readers want it, if you do want smut or have anything else you would like to see comment it!

I all hoping you are all having the most phantastic festive times and I'll see you all later.

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