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Owen's POV
As I showered, my tensed muscles began to relax. I needed to get the rude encounter with counter girl out of my head. I still couldn't believe she'd say that to me. She must've came across many jerks to think I'd do something like that. I got out, dried off, threw on only some boxers and sweatpants then jumped into bed, literally. I was so exhausted by the day, thanks to Marie. And I was too upset to focus on anything else besides my mom's health and counter girl's rude ways. I thought about ways to keep myself on the positive side then soon drifted off to sleep.

Evie's POV
Oh my gosh, I feel SOOO bad right now. I'm so stupid. The look in his eyes kept replaying in my mind as I laid in bed. That was his sister?
That couldn't have been his sister. Or maybe I told myself that because I couldn't picture him with anyone besides me. Maybe I WAS catching feelings for this guy and I was ignoring my conscience whispering 'Go for it.' I want him but I don't. There, I said it but it does no good because the look he gave me expressed disgust, disbelief, anger....
But what was I supposed to think? I've come across so many players, it's not even funny. It's not like we kissed or slept with eachother but I felt something for him ever since that day he touched my hand on my cafe's counter. And I felt 'that' was enough to call 'something.' Just thinking about how angry he was with me kind of got me excited but over it all, I felt terrible. I should've asked instead of assuming, I know better.

Owen's Dream
One single brush through her soft hair with my fingers made my blood boil. I looked over to my side and grabbed hold of the warm, sleep body. She smiled so nice. I was mad at her but couldn't stay for long. As I continued to brush through her hair with my fingers, she shifted to her back and looked over at me, still half-sleep. Her eyes slightly opened then closed again and she scooted closer to me, burying her face in my chest. I bit my lip to hold back an upcoming; her lips pressed against my chest, my love spot. She took a breath and placed a feather kiss on it and my moan escaped but not as loud as I expected. Then her small arms snaked around my waist and she squeezed. I felt secure this way but I was still angry at her. I moved her hair from her forehead and kissed it. "Why'd you hurt me like that?" I whispered into her hair, pulling her thigh up against my hip. She stretched but kept her eyes closed. No response. I didn't want her to hear but I wanted her to hear. Ma was right when she said I carry my heart on my sleeve. I may look like a tough guy but I'm seen as a softie in my family. I have my moments and I know I should let this go with counter girl but I can't shake it off. "I'm sorry..." a yawning whimper slipped her mouth, knocking me out of my trance. Then she completely sat up with messy hair and straddled my waist, both her legs on each side of my hips. 'Mmmmmhhh..' I couldn't help but moan, her light weight against mine. "I'm sorry..." She moaned this time, burying her lips in my neck. "I..forgive you," I breathed, holding her waist still. She stopped straddling me and just lied on me as I held her. **Dream Over**

Evie's POV
I woke up smiling because I had the best dream. Counter guy forgave me and moved on. Except it hit me that he's probably still mad at me in reality. I made my way to work but couldn't stay for long because a family member, my cousin Morgan, wanted to see me. I checked off work quickly and met her at a bakery down the street from my café. When I got there, we exchanged hugs and sat down. "I knew you were flying in but you didn't say now!" I yelled at her, wiping tears away. She smacked her lips and grabbed my hands. "I know, I know! I wanted to surprise you girly. How ya been?" She asked with concern. "Eehhhh, I've been okie I guess," I lied. She looked in my eyes and pulled away from me. "You're lying. What's up for real girl?" She frowned. I crossed my arms. "I just feel like something's missing. I have a good job, perfect home and making the perfect amount to make it by but--" "But not a husband," she cut me off. My face went flat, because she was right. "It's cool girl. I got you, dress fancy and umma take you out," she smoothly said with her southern accent. I laughed at her 'you might as well do it' face and hugged her. "I'll be at ya place at 8..." She waved me away after we hugged and we went our separate ways.

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