''Tell me if she's okay!'' I shouted as they rushed her into the ambulance truck.

''Get on sir, we'll tell you on the way, but right now our priority is to get her to the hospital immediately!''

I didn't hesitate to get inside the truck, the paramedics closing the doors behind me. I took a seat, waiting for them to answer my question as I felt the truck moving briskly.

''She isn't breathing.''

My eyes snapped open, my heart racing in a unstable manner. I sat up, rubbing my sleepy eyes as my chest heaved up and down.

That nightmare again.. this happened years ago, but yet I can never escape it. It will always be marked in my mind, the day I lost Lisanna.

My phone vibrated on my beside table. I yawned, my heart still beating rapidly as I stretched out my hand to grab it. I turned the phone on; seeing that I had a text message from Gray.

Wake up, dude. We can't be late again. -Gray

I checked the time, noticing that it was 6:54 AM. I let out a raspy sigh before pushing myself off the bed. Placing my phone back down on the dresser, I hurried to take a quick shower.

Once I was finished doing my morning routine, I looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged, messing up my pink spiky hair.

My phone vibrated again and I snatched it off the table. I turned it on again as I pushed my free hand in my pocket, walking out of the room.

Where the fuck are you?! School is starting soon! -Gray

I picked up my book bag and slung it over my shoulder, seizing my car keys as well that were on top the living room table.

I texted Gray back as I went outside to my car and got in, turning on the engine.

Calm down, gay pants. I'm coming. -Natsu

Soon enough, I arrived at the school and parked my car; hearing the tardy bell ring. I sprinted to my 1st period.

I burst through the doors simultaneously as the bell rings. A bunch of eyes were on me but I ignored them, heading to my seat in the back next to Gray.

As soon as I slipped into my seat, Gray punched my arm. ''Gay pants? Seriously?''

''Hey, you're always ready for someone's dick.'' I joked, receiving another punch in the arm. ''Alright, I'll stop.'' I chuckled, rubbing the spot.

''Fucking idiot.'' He muttered, opening his notebook.

''Oy, what did you just call me, gay pants?''

''Quiet down, everyone!'' The teacher, Mr. Gildarts, dropped a book on the table in front of him. This caused everyone to stop talking.

''Alright.'' He cleared his throat. ''First things first, I have an announcement to make. It's a very important one, so listen closely.''

I leaned back in my seat, putting my hands on the back of my head.

''The principal, along with other principals from other schools, have created a program to assist you in your studies. Everyone who signs up for this will be transferred to a boarding school. There aren't much spots left, which is why us teachers have been left to pick the students who will get the remaining spots.''

''This special program, as I said before, will cause you to transfer to a boarding school. At this boarding school you'll be assigned a roommate, and you will be taking one class there, meaning you'll have one teacher. That class will cover every subject. It's like elementary school. Here's the catch though, you'll be forced to study a lot more than you have before. And if you are a.. below average student, this will definitely help you. Be warned though, there are above average students there. This is like a competition. But anyways.. there are two students that I will be choosing.''

By mistake I dropped my pencil under my seat, which caused me to go and pick it up.

''Those two lucky students are.. Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster!'' Gildarts announced cheerfully, the whole class applauding us.

''WHAT?!'' I yelled, lifting my head back up so quickly that I accidentally hit my head against the desk. ''Shit!'' I rubbed my head.

Gray tried not to laugh at me as he turned to Mr. Gildarts with a stern look on his face. ''What if I object?''

''Well, I already called your parents before announcing this and they agreed, so.. all that's needed is the paper work, which they will be coming down to sign soon. We've already decided your roommates if all goes well.''

I banged my head lightly against the desk repeatedly, groaning.

Why did I have to attend a boarding school? Usually I'm in a good mood, if they just told me this beforehand then maybe I would like this idea.

''Why did you choose us, sir?'' Gray questioned. I stopped banging my head and looked at Mr. Gildarts.

''Er.. how do I put this..'' He scratched the back of his neck. ''You guys are below average, so this might help you out.''

I sweat-dropped. Did he just call us stupid?

''Now, that aside, let's start our lesson for today. Natsu and Gray, please take your things and head to the front office.'' Mr. Gildarts directed, picking up papers off of his desk.

A new school life is about to begin for me soon. I wonder how this will go, since I have no choice at this point.

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