Mavin to the Rescue

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Hey I am Cassidy and I ship Mavin which is Michael and Gavin from roosterteeth/acheivment hunter. I was noticing that there aren't many fanfics about them so I decided to make up my very own. If you have any question's just ask but please don't hate I just found my love for writing and I get insecure very easily. Anyways, sorry for the rant I will begin the story now.

Michael's POV


10 years in the future .......

I just sat down on the couch when I heard a loud noise from upstairs.Thats unusual Lizzie is almost always quite when she's in bed, but she's only five so maybe she got a nightmare I better go check on her.Walking up the spiral staircase I pushed open my daughters door to find her awake and crying.

Michael- what's wrong darling, did you have a nightmare?

Lizzie- a little bit can you come cuddle with me dad?

Michael- I can do one better i am going to tell you a story!

Lizzie- REALLY??? Oh yay, please dad please!!!

Michael- Someone's exited. But don't you want to know the name of this story?

Lizzie- sure dad what's the it called?

Michael- ok this story is called, Mavin to the Rescue!

Lizzie- I don't know dad that sounds like a weird name, Mavin?

Michael- don't worry, it's a great name trust me.

Once upon a time there was a 25 year old named Michael ......



It was another great day in my great life I was Michael Jones. Also known as Michael "rage quit" Jones, because of my rage videos and series. why am i so happy you ask well, i am happy because i work for Roosterteeth/Achievmant Hunter where i get to play video games for a living also because i am engaged to my beautiful girlfriend Lindsay, although we haven't actually did "it" yet if you know what i mean, in fact i havent done "it" with any one bofore. i had gotten close though. sure we love each other but she says she wants to wait till marriage which is fine with me, i think, but still i am as happy as i could be. walking into work i said hello to every one i passed. as soon as i walked into the room and sat at my desk. i noticed that ray and gavin where already there, but nobody else was.

Michael- hey ray, gav.

Ray- sup.

Gavin- hey Michael, My boy, How ya been?

Michael- ok i guess, im happy and all but....

Gavin- But WHAT?

and just as i was about to say nevermind Ray decided to join the conversation again.

Ray- Lemme guess. you still havent done "much" with lindsay? Have you?

Michael- how'd you know? i said as my face blushed lightly.

Ray- i dunno maybe i got super power's. if i concetrate really hard maybe i can shoot laser beams. nope dosent seem to be working.

Gavin- you know what Michael, i am gonna take you out tonight for a drink. ok?

Michael- ok. sounds fun. maybe get my mind off some stuff?

Gavin- Exactly. Gav said while smiling like an idiot. oh how i loved that smile, and those goofy yet beautiful eyes, and those moist kissable lips.... WAIT.... what was i just thinking about? i can not like gavin i have lindsay, and besides even if i did like him that way it would never happen, he's as straight as a stick. i think. although he never seems to like having girls around in that way. maybe he is gay? possibly Bi? like me. even though I've only admit it to myself i know I'm bi because in high school i kissed a guy and liked i but i also still liked girls, which was very confusing. i have a new idea i am gonna get gavin drunk and ask him a bunch of questions just for the fun of it. while i was in deep thought i managed to look over at gavin and see that he has been staring at me for a while now.

Michael- See something you like Gav? i asked, slightly joking,slightly serious

Gavin- oh... um ..... sorry. he said then turned away blushing a dark shade of crimson.

oh now i know somethings up and the sooner we get to the bar the more secrets will be revealed.


Well, thats the first part hope you all like it sorry for ant grammar and spelling mistakes. also i will only continue to wright this if i get 10 + people (i know low standards) also this is my first story so i am doing my best. please don't be afraid to give constructive critiism thanks

Cassidy :-)

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