D. A. And Scars

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(Luna POV)
There was a new teacher this year. Her name was Umbridge and she wasn't allowing us to use magic.so we decided to do something about it. Harry and Ron and Hermione and Neville and Ginny and Fred and George started this group to teach us magic and spells. We called it Dumbledores Army. It went on for a while but the whole time I was thinking of the safety  for only one person.

Draco. Draco Malfoy. Where was he? I missed him tons and wondered about him. He hadn't been to school in months and the dark lord rumors had started up again. I was scared that he would have fallen to the wrong side. The dark side. He was acting strange when he left and I had no goodbye or I'll see you later. I had cried for a bit but nothing much now.

(Dracos POV)
I am at home, but it doesn't feel like home. The Dark Lord is there now.
My father is there too and where there was affection, love and admiration, there is now defiance and and something bordering hatred and disgusted. I look at my mark again as I watch what's happening around me. The only person who cares, I pushed away. I wonder how she was. Luna. Luna Lovegood. I only wanted to protect her.

Detention that day was bad.
It wasn't Snape that was there but Yaxley. He was a death eater who showed up at my fathers house a lot. Yaxley had threatened Luna of I didn't join. So I agreed to protect her. He pulled up my arm and branded me with the dark mark. And then I left furious. If any student found out that I had been branded with the dark mark then I would be feared and hated and kicked out. So just leaving would be better. And I did. I told McGonagall that I was leaving and at first she would t allow it. But then I explained my problem and she agreed. I have been returning her to Malfoy Manor where I loom in the shadows where I watch and sulk and think of her.

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