Dead wishes

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(Dracos POV)
I am spend most of the time with my mother. But when Bellatrix is with her, I leave immediately. Her I can't stand either. But I could never admit that. Therefore I try to learn Occlumency as best as possible. It's hard but I manage. But the thought of Luna in danger gave me the motivation and determination to learn it by myself. I couldn't allow them to hurt Luna. I realized a while ago that I had feelings for her. Strong ones two. But who knows what she felt about me. She probably thinks I am a coward or worse. I couldn't face her. Never ever. I felt it was my duty.

Right now we are sitting at the huge table my family usually took its meals together. Above the table, the Muggle Studies teacher hangs suspended in the air. I can't look her in the face. I've never been in contact with her, but I've seen her a few times on the halls...she seemed nice...She whimpers and pleaded. The Dark Lord doesn't even glance at her.

We are waiting for Snape and Yaxley. The scars on the back of my still bandaged hand burn. I don't undo the bandage for fear of someone seeing what I have written. That stupid cut. I had earned it when I backed talked to my father. He whipped out his wand and slashed me. I turn to look at her. She is looking right back at me. I try to say sorry with my eyes. Her eyes find mine. I try to think of possible ways to escape.

Then the door opens and my gaze slips to Snape. My eyes become cold and hard. He is the only one here who knows something of luna and me. So he is the only one who can tell someone else. Therefore I smile brightly as if the most favourite person of my life just entered the room. I just hope he buys it and he does. He walks past. My gaze follows him. News about Potter...about a raid...Suddenly I fear for him. He might be my only chance to save you. If he succeeds in defeating the Dark Lord...I could go back to school. I'd love to. And so I swear to myself to protect Potter at all costs. But to face the wrath of my father...or worded the dark lord. I shuddered.

Then Voldemort takes father's wand. I stare wide-eyed as he points it at the teacher and speaks the words that kill her. She crashes onto the table. I froze. How could he? Why? So cruel and unnecessary. And then the snake tops it all. He finished her off and When the meeting is over I run into the bathroom and retch.

Then I fall asleep and have nightmares for the first time. And I realise they can harm her because they are so real. Her dying and screaming in agony as I stand above her with the curse of pain. How could I not save her? Why was I doing this?!? I woke up panting and crying.

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