I set Demi's food in front of her and I hand Selena hers "this is called Poutine, I have cheese imported from Canada so I can make it here, it gives me home away from home" she smiles "show me how Canadians eat it" I giggle and stab a piece of fry and cheese that's covered in gravy and hold it to her mouth with my hand underneath and she takes the bite and her eyes light up "I've been to Canada plenty of times but never had this and now I regret it" I laugh gaining a few looks from others in the other section. She eats the entire plate after making me eat a few bites and kisses my nose "thanks baby I don't think I've had something so good" I smile but suddenly she smirks and moves closer to my ear "but I'm sure that will become second once I find out how you taste" my entire faces goes red and she acts innocent and climbs over me and out of the booth walking to the register and I'm left speechless. I walk over behind the counter and I raise my eyebrow "I wish I could stay here all day but I'll be back in 3 hours to pick you up" Demi hands me 40 and I groan "guys the tab is under 20" they both laugh and Selena leans over giving me a kiss in front of everyone "just take it babe, we had great service and I even got to see you so it was worth it" she walks out and I just watch them in awe.

Cai hasn't left after repeated requests to leave but I just ignore her till my shift ends and I hear the door open and I look up with a smile knowing its my Selena.. wait shes not mine, well not yet but I walk over and hand up my apron and grabbed my bag "bye guys!" I walk to the door towards Selena but Cai steps in front "can we talk" I shake my head but before I could answer a new voice enters "ready baby? my mom wants to take us out for dinner" Cai turns to look at Selena with a glare "I'm sorry who are you and why are you calling my girl baby?" Selena raises an eyebrow "excuse me I don't know who you think you are but shes mine, at least I know how to be faithful" my jaw dropped, that was kinda sexy. Note Jealous Selena is sexy "lets go babe, I want to meet Gracie awake" I grab her hand pulling her out to the car and got in "we have to make a stop at your house to change well I mean you don't have to but I want to steal a few minutes alone with you" she blushes and I awe and poke her cheek "that's so cute babe" she takes my hand interlocking our fingers and bringing it up to her lips kissing the back of my hand "so me you, my dad, mom, Gracie and Demi are going to dinner tonight and there might be paps there, I know you aren't used to this life so I bought you sunglasses so the lights won't blind you" she hands me glasses with the brand Ray-Ban "Selena I can't take these, these are like crazy expensive" she smiles softly at me "I'm the reason you'll have camera's flashing in your face, you won't be able to go many places without it when your with me and once they find out were anything but friends they won't leave you alone and I want to make sure you're okay when I'm not there" I sigh and look at them "fine but this is it, please don't spend the money you earn on me babe" she rolls her eyes playfully "whats the point in making it if I can't spend it on the person I want and make them happy, I know you're not used to this, you aren't used to people actually putting time into you because from the little you've told me is more than you should've had to go through and there's still more, when you are ready I'll be here waiting to listen. I'm in this for the long run Y/N I promise you" I'm not sure how to reply because I've never had someone pour their heart out to me, it was usually the other way around and I'm left guessing how they feel but she keeps telling me how she feels and where she is with us and I just don't know what to say "I want to be the person to help you move on and push all the shitty parts away and be happy, you deserve it" I take a deep breath and prepare what I'm about to tell her "I've only been romantically with 3 people, none of them worked out and two of them left me vulnerable and heartbroken, every minute I spend with you makes me happy, complete, I'm not going out of my way for no reason, I'm not stressing, I feel like I'm not the only one giving and those 3 people hurt and used me for their own gain, not bothering to care about me but every second since we've met you've continuously reminded me you care and its only been 4 days and you easily flipped my world around, we act like we've been dating for years when we aren't even official and its driving me insane because I'm worried I'm rushing and you will pull away because I'm the over clingy girl who rushes and if you did it would kill me because I like you so much" I sit back in my seat after the long ramble and she pulls over a block away from my house then parks and gets out and I'm beyond confused.

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