These and sooo many other questions ran through my mind as I stood there, wondering if I should wake her and take her to bed, or just.....let her be?

I mean, I wanted to take her to bed. But, it was gonna be daylight soon. And she was probably gonna be hungover. And she might not be able to go back to sleep, because she'd want to know all about my hospital trip and what's up with my wrist and all......

Plus, speaking of my wrist, I couldn't carry her now, with it all wrapped up.

I stood there frowning. Looking at them both.

I knew that Nate was probably in his glory all night, because I saw the way he looked at Gwen. I'd seen it plenty of times, ever since they met. I knew in the back of my mind, that he liked her. How much, I didn't know. But I could see that he liked her plenty.

But, he was my best mate, and I had to believe that he would never do anything to hurt me.

I also had to believe that Gwen loved me so much that SHE would never do anything to hurt me, either.

I put my faith in both of them equally, and hoped for the best. That's the only way I could remain a sane, normal person, and not get overcome with jealousy. Like I could be doing right now, if I let myself. But no. I trusted them both with my entire heart, and I hoped they wouldn't shatter it into a zillion pieces. Because it would NEVER be able to fixed again after a betrayal of THAT magnitude. NEVER.

I sighed, and bent down and took off all four of their shoes quietly, then I fixed the blanket so it was covering them both. I leaned over and pushed Gwen's hair out of her face, and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, and stood back up, gave one final look at them both, and went in to my bed.
It was hard to get to sleep without Gwen, let alone, knowing she was in there cuddled with Nate.

But I soon managed to do it, out of pure exhaustion and the threat of sunlight that would soon come beaming in my window.


I felt something tugging at my foot. I opened an eye after my mind thinking back to the movies I fell asleep to, and established that I was in Gavin's flat...on his couch....and he was down at my feet, taking off my shoes. Sweet.

I moved my hand, and realized....GWEN!

Oh shit!

Gwen was still next to me, and my hand was down around her torso. I peeked down at us both, and realized I had sprawled out more after I fell asleep. I had turned to lay flat on my back, putting my legs on the couch, and Gwen's head was my groin, only on the pillow. Shit. Her one arm was over my legs, too.

I really didn't mean to get THIS comfy looking with Gwen when I fell asleep.

Gavin didn't seem to be taking it too hard, though. He knew me. He trusted me. I knew he did. And I knew he trusted Gwen. He couldn't love her that much, if he didn't trust her.
He had plenty of reason to NOT trust, though. He'd been burned before. He'd been cheated on.
He'd been hurt. Heart broken. Crushed. Hard.
I'd been there for it. For him.
I'd helped him pick up the pieces and move on.
So I knew what he was like when he didn't trust. He didn't trust his next few girlfriends, which led to the end of their relationship. But with Gwen, he didn't give any signs of non trusting. I mean, no more than a normal, trusting person would. Don't get me wrong. He's not gonna be BLIND with her. He's not gonna ignore anything he should question. He's alert.
I know how it is. I'd gone through the same thing before, soon after Gavin went through it. And....of course, Gavin was there for me.
So we both knew how much it sucked.
So the fact that Gavin just took off my shoes, and Gwen's shoes, and tried NOT to wake us up, placed the throw blanket so it covered us BOTH as we cuddled together, and kissed her and walked away...
I knew I had no real explaining to do. I knew he knew I was a loyal friend.

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