I collapsed onto the couch beside Natalie."Hey Amira."Natalie grinned."Hi."

"I was watching you and Jason before and you two looked so cute!"she whisper squealed. I groaned. "And you were blushing. Blushing!"she said squeezing my arm. She suddenly smirked at me. "What?"I asked. "You must really like Jason for him to make you smile, not to mention blush. I didn't even know you could do anything other than frown or roll your eyes!"she laughed. I rolled my eyes. "See!"she exclaimed giggling. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes again and turned my attention to my phone. I had just realized I hadn't actually said happy birthday to Jonah at all.


"Hey Joe!"

"Hey what's up?"

"What's up? I'm pretty sure it's your birthday today."

He laughed."Yes it is."

"Happy Birthday Joey!"I shouted into the phone grabbing everyone's attention in the room.

"Hey how about we sing Happy birthday for him?"Natalie perked up. I was about to disagree but everyone had crowded around me ready to sing. "Happy Birthday to you!"they all sang loudly.Soon Kaitlyn came rushing down from where ever she had got to and sang too. When they were finally finished I sighed in relief.I put the phone on speaker.

He laughed and thanked everyone. "Em, how come all you guys are together and I wasn't invited, I thought w were watching the movie at eight."he said sounding confused.

Everyone went silent. I didn't know what to say, I was panicking. "We knew you wanted to spend time with your family for at least some of your birthday so we decided not to invite you to Kaitlyn's, were only watching some T.V."Jason rushed out.The other line was silent for a while. "Oh well that's fine then."Jonah laughed it off. Everyone sighed in relief."Eh so what are you up to right now any way?"I asked him changing the subject.

"My family decided to surprise me by taking me my favorite childhood ice cream parlor, they said I should come to this place one time before I fully become an adult."he explained. "That is so sweet."Natalie gushed. "To be honest I'm still going to be coming here so I don't see the point."he snorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay we'll let you get back to your ice cream."I told him. "Okay see you guys later."

"Bye!"Everyone called before I hung up.

"Phew! That was close!"Eli sighed. Everyone mumbled in agreement. "It's Amira's fault! She called him while we were all here. Obviously he would have at least heard one of us."she accused. "What?! Natalie was the one who suggested we all sing happy birthday to him!" I said.

Natalie gasped. "Well you can't blame me for wanting to sing it. It's his birthday!"She exclaimed. "Actually yse we can!"I retorted. "Okay, okay come on guys, let's just chill out a bit, he didn't even find out."Jason said.

"Yeah well what if he did! That would be all my-"

"Our!-" We all cut in

"-our work down the drain."Kaitlyn finished."I cannot afford for that to happen."

"Actually I'm pretty sure you could, you pretty rich."I pointed out. She glared at me and stalked out of the room. "Okay, what's up her ass?"Eli asked leaning back in his seat. I shrugged not really sure, I mean I knew she was one for perfection and everything going her way but that was a little to much, she looked she was going to cry at one point. I started to feel like there's something going that she's not telling us. I sighed, ah well, it's probably her usually rich girl problems.

When it was four Kaitlyn made us get dressed in the clothes we had brought, instead of me going to get Jonah like we had planned before, we thought it was better if he came himself, so he wouldn't be suspicious at all.Kaitlyn did mine and Natalie's make up even though I protested. Natalie straightened my hair out and we walked down the stairs with forty minutes to spare. When got down the boys where doing the finishing touches to the room. Kaitlyn ran around in her heels, which were higher than usual, checking to see if she had forgot everything or if everything was in place. When she saw that everything looked good she relaxed.( Wow,I kind of sounded like I was quoting The Bible there.)

When the door bell rang she began to hyperventilate. "Relax Kaitlyn."I said confused she's thrown many parties before I didn't get what was up with her. The first bunch of guests came in, then a few came in after two minutes and with twenty minutes left everyone was hidden around room. So Eli was going to open the door, since he was a guy and was only semi dressed up, while us girls where totally glamed up so Jonah wouldn't get too suspicious. The bell rang at 6:58 and I crawled to the window and checked outside, to see who it was. "Eli! It's him!"I whisper shouted. He got up and walked towards the door. Everyone sat in anticipation.

"Hey Jonah, Happy Birthday!"Eli said cheerfully.

"Hey Eli, thanks."

It sounded like he came in and the door was closed. "Eh where is everyone..."he trailed off.

"Oh their just in the cinema room let's walk through here."Eli suggested, most likely referring to the living room. Jonah agreed and yelped after a while.

"Shit! Hey Eli can you switch on the light, I can't see a thing and I just stubbed my toe."I'm sure everyone was trying to control their laughs at this point.

"Sure." And for the moment we had all been waiting for.

"SURPRISE!!!"We all jumped up and screamed. Jonah yelped again and jumped backwards holding his chest. "Wait, is this a surprise party?"he asked, slowly realizing what was going on. Everyone nodded. "For me?"he asked again. Everyone nodded and laughed at his very surprised face. Mission completed!

"Let's get this party started!"some guy shouted and everyone shouted in agreement. The DJ started playing a song and everyone started dancing. Jonah still looked surprised. Eli gave him a good clap on the back to snap it out of it and everyone in our group gave him a hug.

He beamed at us. "Thanks guys, I don't know what to say."he said looking around. "I love you guys!"he said. We all laughed. "Come on J-dog, we need to get you a drink."Eli said dragging Jonah away.

Kaitlyn smiled at them as they left with this weird look. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her."Hey."some one whispered in my ear. I knew it was Jason so I didn't bother turning around. "Dance with me?"he asked. My eyes widened. I didn't expect him to ask that, I can't dance! Natalie mouthed to me that I should say yes, while Kaitlyn was still in her own world. I bit my lip. Should I say yes? I knew I would probably just make a total fool out of myself.

"Come on Amira, live a little."Jason said coming to stand in front of me. He gave me a puppy- dog eyes which didn't really affect me so he tried a different tactic. He came closer to me and placed his hands on my waist. "Please Amira."he whispered his face mere centimeters away from mine."Eh-I-Uh." I stuttered not being able to think properly. He smirked knowing he was affecting me. "Please."he asked his face even closer to mine. I quickly nodded not trusting myself to talk. I didn't want him to go any further.

He grinned taking a step back, I sighed in relief but my relief didn't last for long as he grabbed my hand started pulling me towards the make shift dance floor. I looked back at Natalie for help but she only smirked at me and waved goodbye. I turned back towards Jason. "There's nothing to be worried about. A slow song just came on and that's easy to dance to."

He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer again. I could feel that fluttery feeling in my stomach come back as I placed my hands on his chest. We swayed to the music but I wasn't used this, I swear it looked like Jason was dancing with a plank of wood, I was so stiff."Relax Princess, your so stiff and rigid just loosen up."he told me shaking me a little. I sighed and tried my best to relax and he smiled. "That's better."

I leaned my head on his shoulder, my arms around his neck and we continued to sway to the music. I think Natalie was right, I must really like Jason. I haven't danced since I was in  Sacramento and all it took was for Jason to come close to me for me to agree. He's changing me and I'm not really sure how I felt about it.


Thanks for reading guys. It really means a lot! I hope you like this chapter, as you can see Amira is slowly changing, will she ever go back to the way she was before what Cole did to her? Let's just watch and see. Next chapter will be a very important authors note so please take note of it. Don't forget to vote and comment xxx.

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