Chapter 2: Fire and Death

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Light floods the stage a roar of the audience hushes as I greet them. Air rushes deep into my body, it's like nothing matters anymore it's like it's just me. I don't sing for them ... I never have ... It's always been... just me. First song up , Cannabis, let's do this thing. I flinch at a pain in my throat ow... that's new ... it must just be the strain of over singing this week I'll have to be more carefull. By measure two my head is light and my visions fuzzy it's just under oxygenation I walk front stage right to interact with the boys in the first row, "wake up please co-" my hand is on my throat in less then a second as I crumpled forward off the stage , the cord to my mic rips lighting fire to the stage and curtains. I heard panicked screaming and running it felt warm, I liked it. I wonder what's wrong... Why are they screaming... And running?
" Eliza!" I hear my name ring out . I tried to stand up , to see who was calling me what could you possibly need it the middle of a song? I fell back down
" Eliza! Where are you!? Eliza! If you can hear me say something!" the voice was now panicking a lot more noticeably than before.
"I-" I tried to say but the pain shut down that idea. I could hear a loud series of crashes coming from the stage that I was on just a few minutes before, I looked to see the stage lights come hurdling down. Glass sparkling beautifully as it broke apart. I screamed in pain as one of those once beautiful shards ran itself into my arm. Flames danced through the air I was captured by their brilliance as they flickered wonderfully around me. I dropped my head back down not having the will or energy to look any longer.
"Oh... Eliza" I now see a man say I feel as though I should remember him, messy brown hair and emerald green eyes about 6'4" , but can recall his name or importance as of now .My life fades to black as I feel myself being carried through the air. The man speaks once more before all is lost to the black " Please... Don't die.." Then all is gone.
So... Am I dead now? This isn't so bad. Then I begin to relive what happened just before I 'died'. Oh God... Once was more than enough...
I feel Eliza's body go lifeless in my arms as I run out of the burning stage. " Please Eliza... don't be dead ... I need you." I see water drops sparkling as they hit her beautiful face. I'm ... crying?
I run through the doors and across the street, the light of the sun wraps around us in a warm hug, the wind runs through Eliza's hair making her seem to be conscious though I know she's not. I set her down in the grass as I begin her first aid.
" Jake , is that Eliza? Oh my God...H-her arm..." Eliza's friend Cassidy walks up to her and reaches for the glass in her arm.
"Stop! If you pull that out Eliza might die." The glass is stuck in a large vein in Eliza's arm ... if she takes it out Eliza will lose a lot of blood. I don't have anything to take care of that right now either ... father will probably have to do surgery to get it out.
I put my hand to Eliza's wrist to check her pulse good ... she's alive. look at Eliza to she if she's got any burns anywhere. As my hand brushes her ribs, I freeze. Panic sets in as I check again, relaxing upon the realization it's just bruised and not broken. "Hey," I take Cassidy's hand and push it to Eliza's wrist as I speak "watch Eliza and make sure her heart doesn't stop" I look to her eyes as they cover with tears , she nods.
Now about 20 feet away I call father and speak of the situation " You go to Eliza and I'll tell the hospital to be ready" I end the call there, so Eliza will be at my family's hospital, I know she'll be fine now.
"JAKE! Eliza's heart stopped!"

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