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Final chapter guys! ): the sequel of this book will be called 'Burn' so stay tuned for when I release the first chapter!!

"Morning guys," I drug my feet across the wood floor. Hayes ran up and hugged me.
"Morning Fina! We made breakfast burritos. In my opinion I make bomb burritos." He slid a burrito across the counter. I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to make him feel bad. I stuffed it in my mouth, eating all of my feelings away.
"Have you heard from Cam?" I asked.
"No, not a word." Nash looked down at his watch. He was very attractive. Same as Hayes. I shook my head and continued my scrounging.
"Come on guys lets go!" I shouted at Nash and Hayes. We were going snowboarding because you know, we're swag and can shred some major powder.
It was funny watching Nash and Hayes emerge from their rooms with all the puffy gear on.
"Ready?" They asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be," I started walking to the front door.
We all unpiled from the truck and to the resort. Man it was packed today- lots of people were out shredding.
"I'm so excited bro!" Hayes punched Nash in the arm and ran to get a spot in line.
"Hey Nash, I need to thank you for everything," I looked down fiddling with my boot strap.
"Hey no problem, but let's focus on snowboarding right now," he friendly nudged me. I chuckled and ran to Hayes.
"Ladies and gentlemen, don't take route 2 there was a major Avalanche and now there is a 45 foot sheer drop! Thank you for your cooperation." A man on an intercom shouted.
I did a back flip and then next a side touch.
"Nice one!" I heard Hayes next to me shout. I loved snowboarding so much honestly- it made me forget about all of my problems.
"Hey what the fuck!" I heard Nash yell and could tell he had fallen. I turned my head and there was someone hot on my trail. I leaned forward trying to propel myself forward and faster. I saw where there was an avalanche- it made me feel super uncomfortable. All of a sudden I felt myself being pushed towards it. It was that person behind me.
"No stop!" I struggled, almost falling out of my boot straps. "Stop!" I yelled but soon enough I felt my stomach raise to my throat. I was falling down the mountain cliff. There was nothing I could do.
My mind went blank, I couldn't feel my legs and I had no air to yell. I tried gasping for air but couldn't get anything in.
It's your time Fina. I thought to myself. I heard a loud propelling noise- but couldn't make out what it was because my ears were ringing.
It was a helicopter and I saw someone being lifted down on a string with a body basket. They picked my limp body up. I didn't wince or cry because I couldn't feel any pain.
"Come on hurry and get to the Emergancy Care Center!" a woman shouted.
"Roger that," the pilot said with his deep,  raspy voice.
I tried to move my body but couldn't. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried to speak but I couldn't. All I could do was listen to the beeping noises and voices around me. I knew by the smell I was in the hospital and by the quietness, I was definitely in ICU.
"When will she wake up?!" Nash's panicked voice shouted.
"Sir, she is in a coma, we don't know when she will wake up, all she has to do is fight through it. Now please go sit in the waiting room," a nurse shouted back at Nash. The room went silent but then I heard shuffling next to me. I was scared. I felt like I was in a horror movie hiding under the blankets from the demon standing next to me.
"You should have never called Cameron. You should have never gone snowboarding. You should have never brought your pathetic life into mine," the very deep voice mumbled.
I tried to think of who's voice that was. After a few minutes of thinking I figured out who was standing next to me. My stomach went cold. It couldn't be...

And done! Who do you think the strange man is? Read the sequel to find out. I will try to start the sequel as soon as I can! Ily all!

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