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That is Fina with her brown hair!!^

Today is the day I dye my hair. I'm nervous but I know I'll look decent.
"I'm going to be leaving soon babe," I shouted at cam from my bathroom. He came waltzing in with a smirk on his face. He hugged me from behind feeling my stomach.
"Babe don't be offended by this, but we should probably hit the gym soon." I sighed.
"I noticed I've been gaining weight too, but I'll get on that." I finished applying my foundation. "K babe I'll be back in about an hour or so," I kissed him on the cheek and ran down the stairs.
When I reached my little muscle car I sped off to my appointment. I'm already like 5 minutes late.
"Hi Fina, so we're dying your hair brown?" my hair dresser Linda asked.
"Indeed we are," she laughed at my remark and sat me down in the chair.
30 minutes later
She just got done dyeing my hair. I was so nervous to see what it looks like. What if everyone hates it? I had to think positive!
"You ready?" Linda asked. I shook my head and she turned me to face the mirror. I ran my hands through my now brown hair.
"I-I love it Linda!" I shouted jumping up and  hugged her. The feeling in my stomach came back. Before I could think I puked everywhere. I held my stomach and panted, looking at the ground.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" I yelled grabbing tissues to wipe Linda's shirt off. She held her hands up, signaling me to stop.
"It's okay hun, good thing I always bring an extra pair of clothes." She walked over to her closet and grabbed some clothes. I quickly grabbed $50 out of my wallet and plopped it on the table.
"I really have to go, thank you again so much!" I sprinted out of the door and into my car. Once I was seated I repeatedly banged on the steering wheel.
"God fucking damnit!!!" I yelled hitting the wheel one last time. Why did this happen to me. Why?
I backed out of the parking lot and sped off to Target.
I just walked into target and into the feminine isle. I secretly grabbed a pregnancy test box and snuck it into my jacket. Savage me, I snuck into the private bathroom and sat down on the toilet.
"Here it goes," I did my business and waited a minute. My time was up, and I didn't want to find out if I was pregnant or not. But I had to. My stomach turned cold and my heart beat faster and faster as I started to turn the test.
A warm, salty tear ran down my face. All I could do right now is cry. Why me.

Awe damn.

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