The Landing

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Senior year for Mondy and June was a rollercoaster but they made many new friends. Many of them were different too and looked up to Mondy and June as role models. Mondy had started art classes in the fall and was enjoying learning about the world through the eyes of a artist. June on the other hand took fighting and a few dance classes, she didn't want the bullies to hurt them again.
The summer before school a person had asked Mondy out on a date and they started to date. June never told Mondy that she like them and so she was heartbroken when the other two started dating. She continued to be friends with Mondy even so because she still felt for them. The seasons changed into winter and a dance was coming up. Mondy wanted to go to the dance with June like before because there would be no pressure and they could just be themself. Mondy's partner on the other hand wanted to go with them, but Mondy told him no. They broke up a few days later. June was there to comfort them as a good friend should and they went to the dance together and had a blast. Vivian even sewed a dress-suit type outfit for Mondy so they could be comfortable.
As the pair went into the dance, everything got quiet and Mondy looked confusedly at June.
"What's going on, June?" Mondy asked.
"I think they're looking at how gorgeous and handsome you are." June smiled.
"Thank you June but I doubt it."

The music soon started up once more and Mondy dragged June out on the dance floor. They danced for ages and for once Mondy thought that all would be alright and good. Mondy went off to find a bathroom at some point during the night leaving June to go to the refreshment table just to find Mondy's ex standing there smiling at her. Out of no where the ex slapped June and tackled her to the ground. He had totally snapped and was beating up June. Some of the others were trying to pull him off but all of a sudden Mondy slapped him twice across the face and kicked him in the chest sending him flying. Some people will just never understand.
Mondy and June left quickly and were never seen again.

The landing and End...

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