The First Step

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A step away from a corrupt humanity. The government decided to weed the human population and clone more people after the weeding.
Mondy was created in a lab but grew up as a mistake because they were different in their thinking. Mondy thought even though they were raised as the only child in their home, that everyone was equal and that they themself was separate because Mondy didn't apply gender roles to themself. Mondy was perfectly happy and wanted to be a normal person. They already had guardian that raised them and love them. They just wanted to be a normal teenager like the others they saw out the window across the road at the high school.
One day Mondy's guardian knocked on Mondy's door. They had already woken up, gotten dress, and were reading a novel when the knock came. Mondy got up and went to the door.
"Vivian is that you?" Mondy called.
"Yes darling please come down and eat in the lab, I have work to do but I want to tell you something." She replied.
"Alright I'll be down soon!"

Vivian took Mondy in and the raised them as her own shortly after Mondy was created. She thought it would be good for Mondy to live with her and someday wanted the rest of society to see the good in them. Many others thought it was a mistake but Vivian was stubborn and wanted to prove them wrong. Vivian was a bio major and a doctor so she built a lab in her house to help her work. She loved new ideas and continued to see the new possibilities even as she was growing older.

Mondy quickly came downstairs and rushed to eat and was excited to hear what their guardian wanted to tell them.
"Mondy sweetheart I think it's time for well, you know" Vivian started.
"I don't know, what are you talking about?" Mondy asked.
"What I mean is I think your ready for school high school. I hope your not mad but I think you need more human interaction and you could get into a hobby or sport." She answered.
"Actually I'm happy, I've wanted to go to school and be normal!" Mondy agreed happily.
"Honey you know you will be different from the other teenagers and might be bullied, but if you think you can, I support you 110%!" Vivian said hugging Mondy.
"I know, but I also know I'm ready for this I won't let you down. I promise!" Mondy smiled and hugged back.

This was just the beginning...

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