Scenario 7: Cars

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After everyone arrived to the
beach, the checked the whole
place out. Most of the shops,
arcade, boats.

Masamune getting chased by
two seagulls...

The headed to the beach. Before
they went, they got to the car to get their change of bathing suits.

Once they got their stuff, Ryo
rolled all the windows up,
pressed down all the locks and
shut the doors locking all of

Then they headed to the beach!
Everyone was having a bast!
Hours passed by, and it was
time to leave!

Yu: Can we come back soon?

Tsubasa: I'm sure we will.

Gingka: The sun is killing me!

Ryo: Were about to get in.
*pulls door* Hm? *pulls

Ryo circled around the car
pulling every door handle.

Madoka: Um, everything okey.

Ryo checked his pockets...

Ryo: So you guys are never gonna
believe this! (^_^;)

Masamune: Something happened?

Ryo: It's gonna take about a
while since, I locked my only
car key IN the car.

Everyone groaned except Yu
who was happy.

Yu: It's a good thing, now we
can stay longer!

Ryo: I'm not sure how long
it's gonna take.

3 hour later...Hikaru came
and she had another car key.

Everyone got in and Ryo
starter the engine, nothing.
Ryo looked at the gas tank,
then looked at Hikaru.

Ryo: That plain wouldn't
happen to have a spare
gallon of gas would it?

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