The Warmth of a Wolf

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***** Sorry this has taken so long to update! I'm hoping to get the next few parts up soon :) Hope you enjoy it and I'd love to read your comments! *****

My ladies helped me up to our room from the stables, I barely managed the stairs but I felt accomplished once I'd reached the top.

The pain that struck through me was nothing like I'd ever felt before, and not something I'd ideally experience again.

As I reached the bedroom I instantly sprawled across the bed, feeling relieved to be somewhere I could feel at least some comfort. I was helped into some more appropriate clothing, a loose gown, before I properly settled under the covers and brought them up to my face.

I wasn't cold, yet I sat shaking.

The fear that I had blocked out for the past few weeks had quickly crept back to me and it certainly wasn't merciful.

I wanted Robb and my mother, but I knew that it was impossible. Mother was back in Highgarden and would receive a raven in several days' time, and Robb was somewhere south with his father. He would have stayed if only he could have. Being at war would no doubt benefit us in the future, but by the gods I needed him now.

The pain tore down my spine causing me to bite my lips and cringe. I pressed against my stomach and felt the movements of a tiny being inside, a strange feeling. What I was going through almost seemed unreal, was this really me? Not the old gods or new would answer that.

As the pain passed I watched as my handmaidens scurried around the room performing useless tasks, not knowing what to do. I suddenly felt angry with them, but that wasn't me, and I couldn't allow them to see. Stay calm, I told myself - counting up to ten and then back down again.

I suddenly remembered the morning Lady Catelyn told me about bringing her first child into the world and Ned returning home with another of his own. I now understood her grief and misery, and the reason why it lasted as long as it did. I didn't even want to imagine it.

I hadn't noticed at first, but a handmaid that I didn't recognise had entered the room and was strolling towards me in haste, her expression rather hostile.

"Lady Stark has been informed of the news and has sent a rider south. She specifically wanted me to inform you that she ordered the rider to move swiftly with the message. She will be joining you shortly." The woman spoke rather systematically, exiting before I had chance to thank her.

* * *

I wasn't sure how long I'd sat like I was. Somehow I had managed to sleep for a while before the pain woke me up again and now I was lying with my elbows resting upon my stomach.

It was dark outside now and the wolves had begun to howl from outside the keep. The ache was gradually getting worse, but I tried to keep as calm as possible and breath like Maester Luwin had told me. He said that the worst of the pain hadn't been yet, which only further sparked my nerves.

Another hour or so passed before the unbearable pain began to set in. I lay slightly propped up by pillows and clung to the sheets beside me, I didn't care who was in the room with me. Though I didn't complain, I was never one to scream and wail even in my childhood. I just sat silent with my eyes closed, gritting my teeth.

When the time came for me to push, one of the ladies called the Maester in. My head was spiralling, but I watched him enter the room with someone close behind.

I almost didn't believe it; I thought he was hundreds of leagues away. "Robb?"

I questioned in a daze, suddenly veiling everything else that was going on around me. Even the pain seemed to momentarily ease.

He rushed to my side and knelt beside me, brushing a hand against my cheek and holding my hand with the other.

He was out of breath and tired, his auburn curls tangled and damp. He didn't smile, didn't speak and didn't ask any questions – but he didn't need to. He was here, beside me, and that all that mattered.

"I was scared I wouldn't get here on time." He spoke in a hushed voice, still trying to regain his breath.

"Well I tried to wait," I said, smiling as I finished my sentence.

He laughed then and looked down, his cheeky grin lightening the room as it always did for me.

His eyes met mine again then, his look of guilt and happiness filling me with warmth. "When the rider came..." He trailed off, buried in thoughts. "I thought-" He paused, unsure of how to phrase the words. "I wanted to be here." The words finally came, and he gripped my hand with both of his now.

"I promised."

I winced as I was told to push through the pain, wanting to break down in tears and just run away. My head was spinning and I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I felt completely helpless or that I couldn't bring Robb closer to me like I always did when I felt scared. I could feel him next to me, his hands still on mine. I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat, however sometimes it was muffled due to my breathing.

It seemed to last a lifetime, but when it was over I could barely remember anything.

Suddenly everything fell quite, although everyone had held their breath.

The silence suddenly broke for several startled cries and wails, before the Maester gently handed a small bundle wrapped in blankets to Robb. The crying soon turned into soft squeaks and groans.

"A boy." The Maester spoke to us both and I smiled, but it was like Robb didn't hear.

He was captured by the child he held, his son. He held him close in his arms, looking down at him with so much love and amazement.

He smiled then and turned to me, slowly kneeling beside me once more and placing him carefully in my arms. Never before had I experienced such a strange sensation.

This tiny, fragile thing in my arms that already I could die for. He fidgeted in my arms, eyes closed and making little noise. He was perfect.

Only a matter of minutes old, yet I could feel the warmth inside him; something that he shared with his father. I brought him close to my face, gently kissing his soft pink cheek before once again wrapping him in my arms.

He was ours.

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